UHPC/Asphalt system versus concrete for pavement, industrial flooring and roads

What is UHPC Phalt?
UHPC Phalt is a grouted macadam comprising 
an open graded asphalt that is flooded with high 
strength microsilica based mortars. The open 
graded asphalt is mixed to a design mix at a 
local asphalt plant and delivered to site in tipper 
trucks. It is placed via traditional paving techniques.

The UHPC Phalt mortars are delivered in 
1 tonne bags and mixed via a continuous flow 
pump machine. The mortar is mixed for a certain 
amount of time to achieve correct viscosity then 
flooded via a large hose onto the asphalt matrix.

How does the whole construction 
thickness fit together?
UHPC Phalt can be laid at depths of 30 mm / 
1,18 in upwards (typically maximum depth used 
is 40 mm / 1,57 in). UHPC Phalt is the top layer 
of the pavement that is supported by a basecourse 
layer. The basecourse layer can vary dependent 
on environment and loadings, internal or external 
applications. Preferred basecourse materials to 
support the UHPC Phalt topping are high modulus 
macadam basecourse or Foamix recycled binder 
course. CBM bases are ideal for use for large 
internal areas. 
The UHPC Phalt pavement structure (DPH + 
Basecourse) is laid onto varying depths of Type 1 stone/capping dependent on the CBR value of 
the sub-grade. 

Advantages of UHPC  Phalt
  • Very high load carrying capacity
  • Frost and rew resistant
  • Jointless laying
  • Quick installation
  • High early strength
  • Temperature resistant from - 60°C/-76°F - 90°C/194°F

Where is UHPC Phalt used?
  • Airports
  • Ports
  • Lorry marshalling areas
  • Service yards
  • Acces roads
  • Bus stations / depots
  • Waste management facilities
  • Car parks
  • Indoors for warehouse floors
  • Anywhere that concrete is conventionally used 


Corrosion problems at offshore wind turbines solved with UHPC concrete

You have the solution already built in your
wind turbine system UHPC Ultra High
Performance concrete material was already
used in the first wind turbines and has been
stable to date and not replaced.

UHPC is absolut seawater resistant and you
can cast it into the seawater if necessary. No
elaborate preparation is necessary and the
corrosion protection will last for at least 100
years without having to be repaired.
Most system suppliers for offshore wind
turbines have known this for a long time.
The UHPC material would have to be
modified a bit, that's all.
We modifed it and it work together
with a simple installation system perfect.

The assembly costs and the operating costs
for a complex anode/cathode system is
several times higher and this electrical
system must be monitored regularly.

Well, there are several ways to tackle the
corrosion problem
- You let it rust because the system is already
   so old
- You can apply an extremely complex anti-
   corrosion paint system. Very expensive and
   the durability is extremely limited.
- UHPC is applied to the steel structure as a
   protective layer.
   A relatively simple and safe installation with
   a durability of more than 50 years
- UHPC is used as a constructive measure to
   improve or stabilize the load-bearing capacity
   of the foundation
- UHPC is brought up as a constructive measure
   in connection with the design of an artificial
   reef around the foundation in order to improve
   the situation of the marine fauna.

Concrete of very high quality cement and desert sand, it works

It is possible to use desert sand as a building sand. Many will cry out and say that will not work. There are so many ancient arguments that are not and of course the international building standards. 

But what can we say, we took a new developed UHPC cement binder into the desert including a few bottles of water and a commercial mixer. We mixed our cement binder with nature desert sand (not cleanded not sieved) and water and after 24 hours we had a strength of 40 MPa and after 28 days more than 70 MPa. We are sorry dear experts and standards. Now we are working on the second generation of desert sand binders, which will become even more effective in terms of technical quaility and flexibility of handling.

Desert sand concrete could be used in many areas such as harbor construction, road construction,
airport construction, architectur and design.

In the construction of the Burji Khalifa approximately 257,500 qqm of sand were used, which corresponds to a weight of 396,000 tons.
This amount of sand could have been taken from the desert and it would have cost - nothing.

Some Arab states are showing great interest in this special UHPC cement binder. It can be very beneficial in helping to rebuild some Arab states or provide new architectural solutions.

If we find the right partners, the UHPC desert sand binders should be producible in every state with desert. Especially in states that have problems with the procurement of river sand but have a desert connection should be the desert sand binder an advantage. The local nature would thus be protected from considerable damage.

See also our UHPC desert concrete presentation

UHPC Binder stock in Texas and production plants all over USA

Since we released our plan to schedule a UHPC production in the USA, our partner Asante received technical inquiries and UHPC material orders.

Due to this situation, we are currently
preparing a material delivery of approx.
400 tons of UHPC material and another
delivery of 400 tons is planned for production.

To be delivered now

100 to UHPC Phalt for pavement
100 to UHPC Shotcrete for civil construction
100 to UHPC Cast for civil construction
100 to UHPC Top layer for pavement

For the next production UHPC Grouting
material for wind turbines, UHPC  Phalt
and UHPC Cast for civil construction is

Due to the high interest in UHPC material, we will intensify our planning for a UHPC production in the USA.

We plan to install three production facilities, one on the West Coast, one in Texas and one on the East Coast. We are still looking for suitable locations and partners for the west and east coasts.

For technical information or ordering of UHPC material
please contact Douglas Miller. 

Douglas M Miller
 3434 Dawnwood Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77380

Cell -    774-208-1766
Email -   doug@asante.design

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: ber@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

Heat problems with concrete and asphalt highways

Problem asphalt roads
Asphalt streets lose their strength very quickly
as the temperature rises. Many highways, for
example, lead through desert areas in the USA
and Australia.
Driving heavy trucks in such areas push the
soft asphalt ahead or aside. The result is that
the trucks have to drive slower because of the
uneven road, which can certainly lead to
logisticalproblems and motorists who have to
drive in truck asphalt trails do not feel this as
a rest and drive slower. In residential areas,
out-of-the-way asphalt tracks cause noise
pollution as cars literally jump over these
tracks. If buses or trucks pass through these
streets, you can hold your cupboards in the
living room.

Depending on the quality of the asphalt, it is
tacky even at slightly higher temperatures and
at very high temperatures these surfaces can
neither be entered nor driven on without causing
A UHPC®-Asphalt combination can be thought
of as an asphalt matrix filled with UHPC®Ultra
High Performance Concrete. Thus, a large
proportion of this lining is UHPC® concrete,
which does not stick and temperature resistant
is well over 200°C/392°F. This combination is
still very stable even in extreme temperatures
up to 90°C/194°F in desert areas.

Problem heating asphalt roads and 
adjacent houses
There is an interesting article from a company
that measured the heating of an asphalt road
andadjacent house walls in a residential area.
Then they have provided the black asphalt
pavement with a white topcoat. The road
temperatures and house wall temperatures
were measured again. The result of this
temperature measurement was much lower
than the first measurement without coating.
If the walls of houses also get a light coat the
sunshine reflection is even better. We see this
idea as a solution but not a lasting, economical

Solution heating of the asphalt surface 
and adjoining houses
As for the heating of the road surface we work
with a UHPC® binder with a very high degree of
whiteness, which makes the road seem much
brighter than the standard asphalt surface. It is
used in tunnels or production halls to save energy
for lighting. Compared to the two-layer solution
standard asphalt and white coating layer, everything
is in one system and the UHPC® Phalt system is much
more durable and more economical than the
two-layer model.

Solution concrete highway
Many kilometers of roads have already been laid
with fiber-reinforced UHPC® concrete in Europe. In
addition to the extremely high strength values, which
are far above that of standard concrete, they also
achieve extremely low abrasion and are absolutely
frost and salt-resistant. The thermal stability in both
the minus and in the plus range is a lot better
compared to standard concrete. During processing,
of course, the same machines can be used as in a
standard concrete processing. Such lining is used
today on airports, highways, harbor area etc.

Solution asphalt roads
About 15 years old asphalt roads or asphalted
areas are lined with a combination system made
of asphalt and UHPC® binder. This ideal
combination of an asphalt matrix that is cast
with UHPC® Binder achieves a significantly
higher load resistance even at ground
temperatures of up to +90°C / 194°F compared
to a standard asphalt. Abrasion resistance is
much higher than standard asphalt. Such
lining is used today on airports, highways,
harbor area etc.


UHPC® Architecture on the sea coast

The big cities on the coasts and rivers have
big problems for the future. A problem is the 
lack of natural space for the permanent 
expansion of cities. Building ever higher 
skyscrapers is not a solution in the long run. 
One solution is to expand the construction 
site by adding fillings in the coastal area, 
as we see in Dubai and Singapore, among 
others. Another solution to the problem is 
the very old traditional construction of pile 
dwellings and houseboats, as they have 
always done in Asia.

Modern architecture has been thinking 

about its designs for a long time with interesting 
designs and projects about future life in coastal 
and river areas. Here, the old living concepts 
are reinterpreted. New materials such as 
UHPC® concretes can easily incorporate 
existing local living concepts and constructions 
and implement them in permanent concepts. 
UHPC® offers absolute seawater resistance with 
extremely high strength. Light, thin but 
high-strength constructions can be combined 
with local traditional materials such as bamboo.

Floating residential and industrial concepts can 

also be realized with UHPC®, and not just above 
water. The first underwater concepts have 
already been implemented worldwide with new 
hotel concepts. Recent plans also include 
entire artificial islands on which hospitals, 
workshops, hotels, kindergartens, residential 
complexes including leisure facilities are built.
Some international architecture firms are 

interested in using UHPC® Ultra High 
Performance Concrete in their living concepts, 
because the advantages of this material are 
unique in their variety and quality.

® offshore constructions are already in 
use in areas with extreme environmental 
conditions. UHPC® is very wear-resistant, 
among other things, moving ice masses is 
not a real problem for a UHPC® construction. 
UHPC® materials have no pores, are therefore 
extremely corrosion-resistant and offer an 
extremely long repair-free service life.


Design with UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete

UHPC is a very flexible and extremely easy
to combine material. It can be easily molded
as a mortar and very easy to pour as a casting
Processing times can be set during material
production. Depending on which aggregate
has been mixed in, UHPC can be very well
retrofitted or polished.
UHPC can also be very hard and machining
would only be possible with diamond tools.
With UHPC it is possible to cast extremely
fine structures. The reason for this is the
processing of nanomaterials in the binder
system. Thus copies of historical originals
can be cast, which are almost 99.9%
identical to the original, all cracks, pores,
cracks, etc. of the original are shown in
the copy.
UHPC with very high compressive strengths
of more than 240 MPa enable design designs
that are exceptionally large but are light in
UHPC materials are resistant to almost all
environmental impacts.

UHPC® Ultra High Performance Concrete production in Texas

Together with our longtime partner ASANTE and
Investors, we plan a production for high-quality
UHPC® materials in the United States.

We plan to produce all UHPC® material qualities for

With the UHPC® production of all our UHPC® Grouting,
UHPC® Mortar, UHPC® Cast, UHPC® Shotcrete and
UHPC High Temperature Resistant material, a
common wish of Douglas from ASANTE and myself
comes true.

ASANTE will extend its existing consulting services
  • UHPC® Material
  • UHPC® Installation
  • UHPC® Customer Training
  • Repair
  • UHPC® Engineering
Also here the products are exactly adapted to the
requirements of the customers.

For technical information or ordering of UHPC® material
please contact Douglas Miller. 

Douglas M Miller 
 3434 Dawnwood Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77380
Cell -    774-208-1766
Email -   doug@asante.design

Concrete breakwater as a coastal defense

In recent weeks, I have met people from the Coast Guard in
some European countries. I wanted to learn more about the
current protection of coastal areas, because I think we can
work together with our experience in the application of
UHPC® (Ultra High Performance Concrete) in the offshore
industry to develop some new solutions to make our shores
safer against soil erosion, beach erosion, eroding cliffs and
shoreline erosion.
Hard costal protection structures are
  • Sea dykes
  • Sea walls
  • Revetments
  • Groynes
  • Offshore breakwater
For all these structures, UHPC® can be used, directly casted or sprayed, as precast concrete elements or as a combination with asphalt as UHPC®Phalt.
Many of these solutions come from the experience and applications
of our mining, road construction and offshore operations.

We use UHPC® in port areas, jetty constructions, underwater 
foundations for wind turbines, tide power plants, canal locks,
sheet piling and hydroelectric power plants.
    UHPC® is beneficial for these applications because
    UHPC® is absolutely seawater resistant, lifetimes of 100
       years are quite possible
    UHPC® is already watertight compared to standard concrete
       in low layer thicknesses
    UHPC® achieves extreme strength
    UHPC® is extremely corrosion resistant
    UHPC® is extrem wear resistant
    UHPC® can be shaped in any geometry and any natural
       stone surface can be replicated
    UHPC® does not require a repair service
    UHPC® including reinforcement can withstand enormous
    What I particularly noticed here are these particularly
    ugly breakwaters, that make the whole coastal area safe
    but also make the nature of the coast less attractive.
    Some of these constructions give me the impression
    that coast is protected for the next war.

    Dear architects and designers, it must be possible to
    develop according to the nature of the coast correspond
    to breakwaters and tsunami fuses.
    Already for years we supply UHPC® material for
    artificial rock landscapes. They are so integrated in
    nature that they can hardly be distinguished from the
    real rocks.


    Renovation of buildings and monuments whether new or antique with UHPC®

    UHPC® materials have many advantages over
    other materials in the rehabilitation of buildings
    whether new or antique, historic or monuments.
    The biggest advantage is probably its enormous
    adaptability to the existing building fabric.
    - UHPC® materials can improve the load
       bearing capacity or decide on a structural
       design that is under attack.

    - UHPC® material can be applied thinly to
       protect the existing construction against all
       kinds of environmental influences over a
       very long period of time.

    - Since UHPC® materials can be mixed very well
       with a variety of materials, whether new or
       antique, replicas can be created which have a
       higher resistance and bearing capacity than the
       original ones.

    - Most natural stones and their structure could be
       copied with UHPC®. The copies can be given the
       structure by the casting mold or subsequently
       processed or polished like a natural stone.

    - UHPC® materials that can achieve
       extremely fine and accurate structures can
       achieve absolutely identical replicas with a
       correspondingly high mold quality.

    - Similarly, old facades can be repaired and
       completely replaced as a copy of the original 
       catch, but in a much thinner plate thickness
       than the originals so that there is still enough
       space for modern insulation in the most cases.

    - Due to the very good flow properties, joints
       and cracks can be filled without extensive
       preparatory work.

    - There is no need for special tools to use UHPC®

    - UHPC® can use as mortar, cast or spray


    UHPC - Environmental and Sustainability

    The hhbc-consulting and WPE DK Team feel responsible for
    working in close cooperation with architects,
    designers, engineers, urban planners and
    construction companies for a more sustainable

    Development of UHPC

    Already during the development of UHPC Binder,
    our goal is to use raw materials that are as
    environmentally friendly and energy-efficient
    as possible in production. At the suppliers of
    cementitious binder systems, we pay attention to

    their activities regarding environmental protection
    and sustainability. Microsilica as well as fly ash
    are waste products that we reuse but they come
    from processes that consume enormous amounts
    of energy. That is why we use these products in
    very controlled quantities. In some of our UHPC
    products we have been able to do without
    microsilica or fly ash.
    We plan to set up production facilities in Asia,
    North America, South America and Africa in
    order to use local resources and to limit
    transport routes to a minimum.

    Processing of UHPC

    Our UHPC products can be mixed with 50% less
    water than standard concretes. The water cement
    value in our products is 0.2 to 1.8. In some
    countries of the world there is a permanent lack
    of water, which is only balanced with seawater
    treatment plants that consume considerable
    amounts of energy. If less water is needed for the
    inforastructure, there is more drinking water for
    the people.
    Only sand is required for processing our UHPC
    binders to concretes with a compressive strength
    above 100 MPa and no gravel.
    Due to the low precast weights the energy
    consumption to the transport of production to site
    is much lower.
    As a substitute for the admixture of sand, a wide
    variety of recycled materials can be used. Our
    UHPC binder systems are ideal combination partners.

    We have developed a new UHPC binder system that
    can completely dispense with the previously
    required sand and gravel qualities. Which will
    drastically reduce the depletion of sands in the river
    and coastal areas and the high-energy international
    In the future, we plan to drastically reduce the
    production of UHPC materials in accordance with
    our quality guidelines to various countries with
    local raw materials in order to reduce the
    high-energy material transports.

    Application of UHPC

    Due to the high compressive strength, the component
    geometries can be selected smaller compared to
    standard concretes, which leads to lower material
    consumption and thus to lower component weights.
    Our UHPC materials are many times more resistant to
    all environmental influences than standard concretes.
    Thus, the expected lifetime is several times higher than
    standard concrete with almost no repair.
    Even today, UHPC materials can completely replace
    steel constructions in many areas and achieve a multiple
    service life without corrosion protection and repair work.

    From our high-density, buoyant UHPC concretes, ships
    or islands with high load-bearing capacity and service
    life can already be produced today. UHPC materials
    are absolutely resistant to seawater.

    The better the concrete quality is and with UHPC concrete
    it is many times better than with standard concrete, the
    longer the usage phase.

    UHPC concrete for precast production

    UHPC concrete has many commercial as well as technical
    advantages over standard concrete for the production of 
    precast concrete elements.
    More and more architects are specifying UHPC concrete 
    as a standard material for their façade design. There are 
    no design limits for façade constructions.
    In recent years, we have developed UHPC binder systems 
    that can be processed into lightweight concretes or 
    insulating concretes, especially for façade construction.

    - We produce UHPC materials with a strength of
       40 MPa to 240 MPa.
    - Our UHPC materials reach 70% of their maximum
       nominal strength within 48 hours. Faster strength
       developments are possible on customer request.
    - We only need sand, not gravel, to process UHPC
    - With our UHPC Desert Sand Binder, desert sand
       can also be processed without any problems.
    - All of our UHPC materials are self-compacting
       and need no or very little vibration.
    - Our UHPC materials have extremely little to no pore
    - The nanotechnology development of our UHPC
       binders enables extremely fine surface structures to
       be created.
    - With the use of fibre reinforcement it is possible
       to create very thin structures of high strength.
    - For prestressed elements, the pre-tensioning force
       of UHPC material can be chosen to be much higher
       due to their very high strength than standard concrete.
    - Very good flow properties for casting complicated
       geometry and filigree surface structures.

    Processing of UHPC binders
    Only a shaft or pan pot mixer is required for
    The UHPC binder is mixed with sand or desert
    sand and a very small amount of water.
    It is not necessary to add additives.

    • Double walls 
    • Pre stressed elements 
    • Tubes
    • Bridgedeck elements
    • Stairs
    • Piles
    • Supports
    • Tunnel segments
    • Facade elements
    • Balconies
    • Sea defence units
    • Floor tiles in large geometries                
    • Security
    • Vertical garden (facade) elements
    • Sewage pipes and box culverts
    • Floating elements

    UHPC Rehabilitation of concrete structures

    Due to the old age and the increased and
    rapidly increasing loads, for example due
    to traffic and environmental influences,
    an enormous number of concrete structures
    are in need of renovation or have to be
    completely replaced by new, more robust
    structures. The renovation effort in the
    infrastructure area is gigantic worldwide.
    The focus here is on bridges.

    UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
    materials have many decisive advantages
    over standard concretes when renovating
    concrete structures. By using UHPC concretes,
    material costs, assembly costs and assembly
    times can be reduced and the service life of
    the repaired concrete structures can be
    extremely increased. Standard construction
    machines can be used when installing UHPC

    The goals of repair or repair assembly are in

    The restoration of stability and a stable concrete 
    Due to the enormously high strength values ​​of
    UHPC compared to standard concrete and its
    very fast strength development, the stability of
    the construction can be quickly restored.
    UHPC mortar, castable and shotcrete materials
    can be used.

    Increasing the load capacity
    UHPC materials offer the structural engineer and
    bridge designer the option of significantly
    strengthening areas of the bridge structure that are
    subject to high loads.

    Maintenance or restoration of corrosion protection 
    and frost resistance
    UHPC is an almost non-porous material that is
    absolutely frost and de-icing salt resistant, even
    with a very thin layer of material. UHPC is also
    absolutely seawater resistant and can also be
    processed underwater. Thanks to these properties,
    the repair effort for exposed reinforcements is
    significantly lower than for standard concrete.
    Only half of the material coverage is required
    compared to standard concrete

    Restoring or increasing the frictional resistance of 
    the concrete surface
    Through the addition of ceramic or mineral additives
    and their very high adhesion to the UHPC material,
    any friction coefficient can be guaranteed over a very
    long period.

    Restoring or increasing the fire resistance of components
    UHPC HT (high temperature resistant) materials are
    endurance-resistant up to over 1000°C /1832°F. All UHPC
    materials are extremely resistant to shock temperature loads.

    Increase thermal insulation
    UHPC and UHPC HT in combination with extremely
    thin high-performance insulating materials can lead to
    high-strength and highly insulating structures.

    Permanently closing cracks with a static and sealing function
    UHPC Castable are based on nanotechnology, they are
    extremely thin and penetrate into the smallest pores or
    cracks and seal them permanently.
