UHPC perfect construction and filling material for bank vaults and strong rooms

There are still many manufacturers claiming 
their moveable safes are absolutely 
burglar-proof, that's wrong.
Everyone and I mean it really every moveable
safe can be opened with the right tools and 
enough time. There is nothing absolutely safe. 
Depending on the security level of the vault, 
burglars may require a short or a lot of time 
to open the vault and may require special 


The simple safe is usually made of sheet steel.
The steel of the safe construction may have 
different wall thicknesses depending on the 
manufacturer and it can also be used depending 
on the manufacturer not only one sheet but 
several layers of different steel grades.

An increase in safety is a sheet metal wall 
construction that can be filled with standard 
concrete, for example.

A further increase in safety is the backfilling 
of a safe construction in conjunction with a 
special reinforcement, which can vary from 
safe vault to vault manufacturer. Everyone 
has their special technique.

Likewise, the sheet metal construction can be 
filled with pre-casted concrete slabs of varying 
thickness and quality

Large safes such as bank safes are shed locally. 
With this type of vault there is no sheet metal 
construction, here a modern formwork technique 
is used.The wall thicknesses of such constructions 
can be several meters. In this formwork, a very 
complex and special reinforcement system is used.

In addition to the pure mechanical burglary problem
also a security against fire is required.

For high temperatures, suitable thermal insulating 
materials or, in the simplest case, air gaps in the 
wall construction are generally used to protect 
documents, pictures, jewlery, money, etc. in the 
safe construction.

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete

UHPC cast binders are extremely fine, have 
exceptional flow properties and are self-compacting, 
allowing much more effective reinforcement systems 
to be used compared to standard cement binders.
Our UHPC safety binders achieve compressive 
strengths of 150 - 250 MPa / 22000 - 36000 psi.

Decades of experience in wear and security
technology make our UHPC concrete systems
extremely wear resistant and very resistant to
impact. By mixing in additional aggregates, a
very resistant cast concrete with a 
multitude of burglary-resistant properties can be 

If a very high temperature resistance is required, we 
can withstand with our HT high temperature resistant 
UHPC cast binder system temperatures up to 
1200°C / 2192°F permanently. The strength values of 
the UHPC cast binder are only slightly reduced.

In large safes for banks, for example, UHPC cast 
binder offers not only high safety features, but also 
very good flow and pumping properties. The setting 
temperature of our UHPC cast products is much 
lower than for standard heavy concrete.

UHPC security panels as pre-cast panel elements 
for ATMs, server rooms, security rooms, these 
panels can be produced quickly and with great 
precision. Depending on the required safety standard, 
the panels can withstand mechanical loads or thermal 
loads or a combination of both loads. Here, the 
subsequent installation in existing houses, apartments, 
offices, etc., the mechanical loads, size of the rooms, 
as well as a weight optimization of the room design 
can be considered.

For hurricane, wild fire and flood-proof constructions 
in the interior and exterior, UHPC prefabricated 
elements allow a variety of design variations.

All our UHPC security and protection products are 
designed for private individuals as well as industry, 
military, banks, hospitals, server center, nuclear 
power plants, prison, etc.
WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Flooring systems for the heavy duty industry

For more than 25 years, UHPC TopLayer and 
UHPC Phalt materials have been produced and 
used worldwide in a wide variety of industrial sectors.
We do not see UHPC TopLayer or UHPC Phalt as an 
alternative to normal road or industrial floor coverings, 
UHPC material is used where these normal road 
coverings and pavements meet their load limits.

That can be at
- Extreme temperature stresses
- Very high point / pressure loads
- Very high wear and impact
- Chemical / corrosive attac
- Extreme environmental stress

UHPC TopLayer
UHPC TopLayer is a fiber reinforced UHPC concrete
product with a compressive strength of
125 MPa - 250 MPa or /17400 psi – 36250 psi
after a curing time of 24 hours.
The standard lining thickness is 25 – 50 mm or
1 inch - 2 inch

- Fast development of compressive strength
- High wear and impact resistant
- High compressive strength
- Absolute frost and thaw resistant

- Impermeable to fluids but still vapor permeable
- Anticorrosive features
- Good bonding to sub-bases, aggregates and
- High temperature resistant, in our UHPC HT
   version we can allow max. temperature of 1000°C/ 1830°F
- Jointless lining
- TopLayer surfaces require no sealing for
   industrial applications.
- Fast curing
- Sort repair stops

UHPC TopLayer can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

UHPC Phalt

Is a joint-free semi-rigid top layer. It combines the extremely
high compressive strength of UHPC Phalt mortar
with the flexibility of an asphalt.
UHPC Phalt system is produced by laying an asphalt
support frame with approx. 25 - 30% cavity content,
which is poured with UHPC Phalt binder.

UHPC Phalt can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

- Extremely good combination of strength and flexibility
- Seamless coating for interior and exterior areas
- Compared to standard road and outer linings,
   extremely high load capacity and durability
- Temperature stable from -50°C/-58°F to +90°C/194°F

- High static loads possible
- No dust generation
- High resistance to frost and de-icing salt
- Very good chemical resistance
- Very good wear resistance
- Fast installation
- UHPC Phalt surfaces require no sealing

Mines – Roads
Desert - Roads
Chemical plants – Roads, Safety areas
Refineries – Roads, Safety areas
Roads on the water on dams, jetties and bridges
Specifically, for example, steelworks, vertical
starting jets launch pads, rocket launch pads,
heavy military vehicles, etc

Repair / maintenance
In principle, all concrete floor/pavement coverings
and road surfaces can be repaired in the shortest
possible time by using UHPC TopLayer or
UHPC Phalt.
Asphalt material can be reused as an aggregate for
UHPC TopLayer material or UHPC Phalt material.
Prior to re-use, a processing test should clarify which strength values are achieved by the re-used asphalt material. With UHPC Phalt, it is also possible to fill hollow spaces very well under the asphalt layer, which has been leached out, for example, by high water. UHPC Phalt is extremely fluid and penetrates intoall cavities and cleaves and fills them.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC concrete as structural construction and corrosion protection material in Offshore projects

UHPC concrete is through its properties, such as
high E-modulus, high strength, and low
permeability excellent for rehabilitation,
protection and strengthening of offshore structures.

The splash zone is without doubt one of the more
aggressive environment for wood, concrete and/or
steel. Here you have the movement of the water
inducing wear on the structures, high level of
 oxygen inducing a perfect corrosive environment.
In salt water chlorides are present all over but
combined with good access of oxygenthis zone is
where the problem is.
 In icy regions ice sliding by
a structure will tear and wear the structure. UHPC
is here an ideal protection layer.

Splash zone protection is in general made on pillars
standing in water, and is made by creating a mold
around the pillar and cast the UHPC into the
When the UHPC has set the mold can be removed.

In case of wood pillars wood will usually rot over
time, leading to insufficient load bearing capacity of
the pillars. A mold can be placed around the pillar
and a UHPC pillar is created by casting.

Oil and gas platforms

When oil is pumped out of the ground the buttom
of the ocean will sink, which means that the
platform itself will sink slowly. As the ocean will
cover more and more of the legs of the platform
the wave forces influencing the platform will
increase over time. Eventually the strength of the
platform is not high enough to sustain heavy
 The strengthening of the platform is done
by filling the legs or part thereof with UHPC. This
will stiffen the structure and increase the strength
of this. By special engineering it is possible only
to fill part of legs, ie areas of the connections of
the steel.

Harbour fronts

Harbour fronts, piers and jetties are usually
subjected to splash zone issues a long with the
occasional impact by ships.
Splash zone issues being hammered with ice
and debris and of course the corrosion from salt,
water and oxygen.
 UHPC has the necessary
strength and impact resistance to withstand these
forces and the impermeability of the UHPC
prevents chlorides, water and oxygen in
penetration the protection layer which makes
corrosion impossible.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Concrete for extreme facade design constructions

Today, light and very filigree facade constructions with high strength values and extreme resistance to all types of environmental influences are possible through hightech UHPC materials.

Ultra High Performance Concrete
technology makes it possible to meet almost every customer requirement with regard to the surface structure. By using white cement as one of the basic components and special color pigments, clear fine colors can be achieved. Due to UHPC technology, the surfaces have an extremely low porosity, which requires sealing only in very special cases.

With UHPC an accuracy of 0.1 mm can be achieved from the mold when using appropriate molds.
The accuracy can be increased to 0.005 mm by looping.

Requirements for facade constructions
  • Very high resistance under extreme climatic conditions
  • Heat resistance
  • Leigh weigth construction incl insulation
  • Fire proof
  • All colors
  • Extreme fine surface structures
  • Extreme corosion resistance
  • Explosion resistance
  • Terrorist protection
  • Surface quality
  • Livetime

All our UHPC products are temperature-resistant from -80°C/-112°F to + 450°C/842°F, very good
corrosion-resistant and extremely wear-resistant.
For special fire proofed construction we can
produce and delivery high temperature resistant
(up to 1200°C/2192°F) UHPC products.

UHPC materials are achieving a very high strength (120 MPa/17400 psi - 250 MPa/36200 psi). Due to these high strength values, it is also possible to produce thin sandwich panels with a
highly efficient insulation.
Insulating panels are used in the industry for
several years. In this case, temperatures of more
than 400°C/752°F are reduced via the sandwich

Even at very high permanent temperatures,  UHPC materials do not lose their very high strength values. In the high-temperature version, UHPC can be used up to a maximum temperature of max. 1200°C/2192°F.

Due to the special ductile properties of UHPC

and special panel designs, explosive effects
and the action of hand-held firearms can be
significantly reduced.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com


Ultra High Performance Concrete in modern architecture

The future of architecture is designed with products like UHPC (Ultra High Performance Concrete). UHPC is a concrete material with outstanding properties compared to today's standard concrete.
With a water cement value of less than 0.2 a material quality is achieved which is unique in the world.

Compressive strength

Due to the significantly higher compressive
strength (more than three times higher than
the best standard concretes), much thinner
and more elegant load-bearing structures
are possible. Likewise, considerably higher
spans of prefabricated parts are possible.


Facade constructions for example can be produced in a fineness which until now was not possible with standard concrete.
The finished elements produced with UHPC casting compound do not require any or very little surface finishing. The dimensional accuracy is so exact after hardening, that it is only necessary in extreme cases of extremely high production accuracies in the hundredth of a
millimeter range.

The goal is to implement your ideas into reality. For us there are no standards, but only your ideas and requirements we will fulfill.

Do not ask what we can deliver. Tell us which ideas you to have.

Surface structures

We can produce all of our UHPC materials in a variety of colors and in the surface and the structure of natural stones such as basalt, gneiss, granite, limestone, sandstone, travertine marble similar.

The surface design can be carried out with customer requirements (for example, roughened, shape structure, sandblasted, polished). Due to the extremely fine components of UHPC, extremely fine or smooth surface structures can be produced. Only the quality of the mold limits fineness or smoothness.

The advantage of UHPC materials which has a 
very close resemblance to natural stone is that 
with this material a variety of geometries can 
be prepared, which can not or only with great 
effort and cost produced with natural stones.

In addition to interior and exterior design of
buildings, to UHPC material elegant, thin-walled
concrete structures and concrete structures are
ideally suited for the design of gardens, pools,
bridges, waterfalls, filligrane, on or in the sea



WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com



Wear Protection with UHPC wear protection concrete

UHPC is a high wear resistant ultra dense ceramic concrete (Ultra High Performance Concrete). It is a material mix of cement binder, microsilica, superplastiziser and ceramic aggregates (Quarz, Bauxite, Corundum, Silicon carbide).
The combination of high compressive strength, high dense particle packing and extrem hard aggregate, create a flexible and simple to install wear resistant material.

UHPC material can install in any thickness it is needed. It is a jointless lining and over-head-installation is not a problem.
It is produced in a mortar and in a castable material version.
No special underground treatment is required. Steel or concrete surface should be free of loose particles and free of oils and fats. For the installation of such wear protection system it is necessary to install a anchor system. As a standard we recommend follow anchor/reinforcement system:
a) Rhombic wire mesh
b) Honey- or Hexagon mesh

Two UHPC binder versions are produced, one for process 
temperature of max. 450°C/840°F (normal material quality) and 
one for high process temperature of max. 1.200°C/2190°F (high temperature quality)

  • High wear resistant
  • Good impact resistant
  • Extreme high compressive strength
  • Good corrosion resistant
  • Flexible in layer thickness
  • Overhead installation is possible
  • Thermo shock resistant
  • Jointless lining
  • Very short curing time

UHPC as a wear protection system has been used worldwide for more than 25 years in cement plants, steel plants, coal fired power plant and mines.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com