Showing posts with label Bauingenieur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bauingenieur. Show all posts

UHPC Informationen für Leute aus dem Ruhrpott (nicht ganz ernst gemeint)

Der UHPC Zement und wie de den anmischs für Leute wie Du und Dich

Dat UHPC Material wird Dich in 25 kg schwere Papierksäcke angeschippert. In einer von den Säcken is der Bindär drin. Dat is der Säck mit der UHPC Logo drauf. Der andere Sack is kackbraun, da sind die Keramikklümpkes oder wenne wills Sand drin. Wenne Deine Brille aufsätzt findese auf den Bindär Papiersäcke sonne kleine Gebrauchsanleitung. Da kann jeder der ät will allet nachlesen wat ich versuch Dir jätz pö a pö beizubringen.

Dat Material soll trocken gelagert werden, also nich in freier Natur wie beim Kämping. Dat kann nämlich sein, datte dann wenn der Sack än bisken Feuchtigkeit oder wat Wasser bekommen hat, dat dat Material dann Klümpkes macht und dat is nich schön, ganz ährlich. Denn dann musse nämlich wieder neues Material bestellen. Also lass den Mist mit der Freilandlagerung und lager der UHPC anständich wie et sich gehört. Man Du wirst doch irgendwo än Schuppen finden. Dat mixen mit der Mixer von dem UHPC erklär ich Dir erst später.

Ers ma noch wat allgemeines, langweilich ich weis aber wat sein muß mut sein. Also der UHPC besteht aus sonnem Puder, so fein wie Mamas Make up und Körnkes (nich zum suppe) aus Keramik oder Sand sind auch drin. Die Körnkes sind so über den Daumen gepeilt max. 3 mm dick und glitzern wie Schwaroski Diamatkes. Dat UHPC kannse als Pampe für de Kelle und Pampe zum verschütten und sogar zum anne Wand zu verspritzen bekommen, musse nur sagen watte wills.

Jäz muß ich Dir dat mit der Temperatur noch dich erklären. Dat is unbedingt wichtig. Es gibt nichts zu malochen wenn et draußen unter 5°C is. Dat is ja auch für unsereiner Scheißkalt kann ich Dir sagen. Wenne aber trotzdem malochen wills, wegen de Weihnachtsprozente, dann bring Dir än Stöfken mit, damitte ät mollig warm has und pack dat Blechkonstruktion watte auskleiden wills von außen mit sonne Dämmmaterial ein. Isset aber über 30°C warm draußen, zum Beispiel in der Wüste, da isset wirklich warm, dann musse Dir än schattiges Plätzken zum malochen suchen. Also bi kul män. Am besten Du malochst in der Nacht wenn et dunkel und än bisken kälter ist. Dat hat noch än anderen Vorteil, die Anderen pennen und stehen Dir nich in de Füße rum.

Dann war da noch wat mit der Oberfläche. Also die muß schon wat sauber sein, ärlich, aber nich wie geläckt. Wenne dat Streckmätall gebrauchs, dann denke immer daran, dasse bis 20 mm Schichtstärke (dat is ungefär zwe finger dick, wenne keine Wurstfinger hast) von dat UHPC Mörtelpampe datte dat Streckmätall diräkt auf den Blech brennen kann. Brenn dat Fliegengitter vernünftig auf aber mach blos keine Ingeniörsarbeit daraus und en Preis dafür dasse jeden Quadratmillimeter damit auslächs krisse auch nich. Willse mehr von der Pampe daruaf machen, musse än paar Stäbskes so 6 mm dick unter dem Streckmätall hauen, wegen den Abstand und so.Überall wo de die Pampe hinklatschen wills musse dat Gitter dranbrennen, denn ohne dem Gitter kannse die Montage von dem Material vergässen, ährlich hab ich schon versucht klapp nich, kannse mir glauben.

Jäz kommen wir zu wat ganz wichtigem. Also da musse wirklich fein aufpassen mit dem lesen, sonst is der Spaß vorbei mein Alter.
Also ganz langsam für die Schnelldenker unter uns alten Kameraden:
Such Dir erst einmal än Topfmischer. Dat is än Mischer wo der Mischergabel unten am Boden des Topfes befestigt is un sich dreht und nich där Pott. Mit wat anderem kanns dat Mischen von dem UHPC einfach vergessen, versuchet ärs garnich.
Haase also den Mischer, dat UHPC musse vor allen Dingen sauberes Wasser mischen. Dat muß so sauber sein, dasse dat selber suppe kanns. Nich mit Dräk und so wie bei Dir inne Badewanne, dann kannse mit der Maloche beginnen. Kuk dasse bei der Maloche noch paar Hiiewis Dir besorgen kann, wegen der Transport von dem Material. Ich kann Dir sagen, wenn du dat Material in Eimer än paar Mal durch die Gejend schlepps, hasse Arme wie son Affe und Abens krisse dat Bier nur mit beiden Händen hoch. Da is nichs mehr mit Mutti stemmen. So dat zur Einleitung jätz fangen wir mit dat mischen an.

Ärs ma tuse dat Binderpulver in der Mischer, dat is där Sack mit der UHPC Schrift, kanns gans einfach märken und danach ein kackbrauner Sack mit der Keramik oder Sandklunker und läste än bisken drehen. Nach än paar Minütkes tuse dat Wasser dabei. Aber pö a pö, nich so wie Du de Bierken schlucks. Dat mit der Wassermenge hängt janz wichtig von der Temperatur wo de malochs ab. Isset scheiß heiß dann wirsse wahrscheinlich än bisken mehr als dat maximale Wassermenge brauchen. Weenet aber kalt wie in Sibirien is, dann kommse mit dem minimalen Wasser aus. Weenet wirklich kalt is, am besten Du machs dann en Feuer unter dem Wasser damit et schön heiß ist wenne dat im Mischer gibs. Im Normalfall brauchse maximal 3,5 l Wasser. Wenne nich weiß wat 3,5 l sind, dann frachse einfach den Polier.
Nun hasse also dat Wasser reingeschüttet und nu musse so ungefähr zehn minütkes mischen. Wenne keine Uhr has, dat sind ungefähr zwei Zigarettenlängen und wenne nich rauchs hasse Pech gehabt.

Dat mit dem anne Wand machen is sonne Sache. Ärs mal füllse die Pampe im Eimer und bringse dat dahin wo Du dat anne Wand machen wills. Trach dat Zeugs immer in ferticher Schichtstärke sofort auf, sons blättert der Mist später wieder ab. Und tu dat Kuring Kompaunt drauf wenne dat UHPC Material aufgebrachs has und nich ärs später. Du weiß ja wär zu spät kommt der wir mit dat Leben bestraft..
Wenne allet damit beschmiers has und kaputt fonne Maloche bis hasse jätz zwei Tage zu pennen, denn erst danach kanns dat so angeschmierte Teil inne Betrieb nehmen und nich äher. Du weiß wer da schummelt der darf nochmal von vorne anfangen.

Solltese trotz där genialen Malochetipps nicht vorwärts, dann rufse den Riediger egal zu welche Zeit an. Der wies mit Sicherheit än bisken weiter, denn der hat schon allen Scheiß mit den UHPC schon mitgemacht. Also trau dich Alter.

Alles gute von Kowalski

UHPC® Architecture on the sea coast

The big cities on the coasts and rivers have
big problems for the future. A problem is the 
lack of natural space for the permanent 
expansion of cities. Building ever higher 
skyscrapers is not a solution in the long run. 
One solution is to expand the construction 
site by adding fillings in the coastal area, 
as we see in Dubai and Singapore, among 
others. Another solution to the problem is 
the very old traditional construction of pile 
dwellings and houseboats, as they have 
always done in Asia.

Modern architecture has been thinking 

about its designs for a long time with interesting 
designs and projects about future life in coastal 
and river areas. Here, the old living concepts 
are reinterpreted. New materials such as 
UHPC® concretes can easily incorporate 
existing local living concepts and constructions 
and implement them in permanent concepts. 
UHPC® offers absolute seawater resistance with 
extremely high strength. Light, thin but 
high-strength constructions can be combined 
with local traditional materials such as bamboo.

Floating residential and industrial concepts can 

also be realized with UHPC®, and not just above 
water. The first underwater concepts have 
already been implemented worldwide with new 
hotel concepts. Recent plans also include 
entire artificial islands on which hospitals, 
workshops, hotels, kindergartens, residential 
complexes including leisure facilities are built.
Some international architecture firms are 

interested in using UHPC® Ultra High 
Performance Concrete in their living concepts, 
because the advantages of this material are 
unique in their variety and quality.

® offshore constructions are already in 
use in areas with extreme environmental 
conditions. UHPC® is very wear-resistant, 
among other things, moving ice masses is 
not a real problem for a UHPC® construction. 
UHPC® materials have no pores, are therefore 
extremely corrosion-resistant and offer an 
extremely long repair-free service life.

Concrete breakwater as a coastal defense

In recent weeks, I have met people from the Coast Guard in
some European countries. I wanted to learn more about the
current protection of coastal areas, because I think we can
work together with our experience in the application of
UHPC® (Ultra High Performance Concrete) in the offshore
industry to develop some new solutions to make our shores
safer against soil erosion, beach erosion, eroding cliffs and
shoreline erosion.
Hard costal protection structures are
  • Sea dykes
  • Sea walls
  • Revetments
  • Groynes
  • Offshore breakwater
For all these structures, UHPC® can be used, directly casted or sprayed, as precast concrete elements or as a combination with asphalt as UHPC®Phalt.
Many of these solutions come from the experience and applications
of our mining, road construction and offshore operations.

We use UHPC® in port areas, jetty constructions, underwater 
foundations for wind turbines, tide power plants, canal locks,
sheet piling and hydroelectric power plants.
    UHPC® is beneficial for these applications because
    UHPC® is absolutely seawater resistant, lifetimes of 100
       years are quite possible
    UHPC® is already watertight compared to standard concrete
       in low layer thicknesses
    UHPC® achieves extreme strength
    UHPC® is extremely corrosion resistant
    UHPC® is extrem wear resistant
    UHPC® can be shaped in any geometry and any natural
       stone surface can be replicated
    UHPC® does not require a repair service
    UHPC® including reinforcement can withstand enormous
    What I particularly noticed here are these particularly
    ugly breakwaters, that make the whole coastal area safe
    but also make the nature of the coast less attractive.
    Some of these constructions give me the impression
    that coast is protected for the next war.

    Dear architects and designers, it must be possible to
    develop according to the nature of the coast correspond
    to breakwaters and tsunami fuses.
    Already for years we supply UHPC® material for
    artificial rock landscapes. They are so integrated in
    nature that they can hardly be distinguished from the
    real rocks.

    Renovation of buildings and monuments whether new or antique with UHPC®

    UHPC® materials have many advantages over
    other materials in the rehabilitation of buildings
    whether new or antique, historic or monuments.
    The biggest advantage is probably its enormous
    adaptability to the existing building fabric.
    - UHPC® materials can improve the load
       bearing capacity or decide on a structural
       design that is under attack.

    - UHPC® material can be applied thinly to
       protect the existing construction against all
       kinds of environmental influences over a
       very long period of time.

    - Since UHPC® materials can be mixed very well
       with a variety of materials, whether new or
       antique, replicas can be created which have a
       higher resistance and bearing capacity than the
       original ones.

    - Most natural stones and their structure could be
       copied with UHPC®. The copies can be given the
       structure by the casting mold or subsequently
       processed or polished like a natural stone.

    - UHPC® materials that can achieve
       extremely fine and accurate structures can
       achieve absolutely identical replicas with a
       correspondingly high mold quality.

    - Similarly, old facades can be repaired and
       completely replaced as a copy of the original 
       catch, but in a much thinner plate thickness
       than the originals so that there is still enough
       space for modern insulation in the most cases.

    - Due to the very good flow properties, joints
       and cracks can be filled without extensive
       preparatory work.

    - There is no need for special tools to use UHPC®

    - UHPC® can use as mortar, cast or spray

    UHPC Rehabilitation of concrete structures

    Due to the old age and the increased and
    rapidly increasing loads, for example due
    to traffic and environmental influences,
    an enormous number of concrete structures
    are in need of renovation or have to be
    completely replaced by new, more robust
    structures. The renovation effort in the
    infrastructure area is gigantic worldwide.
    The focus here is on bridges.

    UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
    materials have many decisive advantages
    over standard concretes when renovating
    concrete structures. By using UHPC concretes,
    material costs, assembly costs and assembly
    times can be reduced and the service life of
    the repaired concrete structures can be
    extremely increased. Standard construction
    machines can be used when installing UHPC

    The goals of repair or repair assembly are in

    The restoration of stability and a stable concrete 
    Due to the enormously high strength values ​​of
    UHPC compared to standard concrete and its
    very fast strength development, the stability of
    the construction can be quickly restored.
    UHPC mortar, castable and shotcrete materials
    can be used.

    Increasing the load capacity
    UHPC materials offer the structural engineer and
    bridge designer the option of significantly
    strengthening areas of the bridge structure that are
    subject to high loads.

    Maintenance or restoration of corrosion protection 
    and frost resistance
    UHPC is an almost non-porous material that is
    absolutely frost and de-icing salt resistant, even
    with a very thin layer of material. UHPC is also
    absolutely seawater resistant and can also be
    processed underwater. Thanks to these properties,
    the repair effort for exposed reinforcements is
    significantly lower than for standard concrete.
    Only half of the material coverage is required
    compared to standard concrete

    Restoring or increasing the frictional resistance of 
    the concrete surface
    Through the addition of ceramic or mineral additives
    and their very high adhesion to the UHPC material,
    any friction coefficient can be guaranteed over a very
    long period.

    Restoring or increasing the fire resistance of components
    UHPC HT (high temperature resistant) materials are
    endurance-resistant up to over 1000°C /1832°F. All UHPC
    materials are extremely resistant to shock temperature loads.

    Increase thermal insulation
    UHPC and UHPC HT in combination with extremely
    thin high-performance insulating materials can lead to
    high-strength and highly insulating structures.

    Permanently closing cracks with a static and sealing function
    UHPC Castable are based on nanotechnology, they are
    extremely thin and penetrate into the smallest pores or
    cracks and seal them permanently.

    UHPC - Use in recycling plants

    UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
    application in recycling plants for
    • Synthetic substance - Recycling
    • Plastic - Recycling
    • Military equipment - Recycling
    • Paper - Recycling
    • Metal - Recycling
    • Precious metal - Recycling
    • PCBs - Recycling
    • Nuclear - Recycling

    The reprocessing of paper, plastic, chemical 
    waste, rubber and metals has become an 
    extremely important commodity market for 
    the producing industry. Much more metal 
    raw material is recovered from reprocessing 
    than mining.
    The material required for reprocessing is 

    stored on large exterior and interior surfaces. 
    Here, the bearing surfaces are mechanically 
    attacked as well as the corrosive liquids 
    Many existing concrete surfaces show 

    considerable damage, which does not 
    guarantee the smooth and safe transport 
    of the stored goods for reprocessing.
    UHPC floor systems are best suited for 

    these loads due to their hardness and 
    wear resistance. These floor systems are 
    laid without joints. Due to the very high 
    material density, penetration of corrosive 
    liquid with professional installation is 
    almost impossible.

    UHPC floor and pavementsystems are 
    UHPC Phalt and UHPC TopLayer.

    UHPC Phalt is a combination of traditional
    asphalt with UHPC concrete. The result is a
    ground or street blast with the flexibility of asphalt 
    and the very high compressive strength and 
    wear resistance of UHPC concrete. The 
    processing and processing time is extremely 
    easy and cost effective.
    UHPC TopLayer are floor coverings made of 

    UHPC concrete for very high mechanical loads. 
    The material thickness is only a fraction of 
    standard screeds or concretes.
    UHPC TopLayer are extremely corrosion 

    resistant and can be installed almost on any 
    flooring. UHPC TopLayer achieve compressive 
    strengths of far more than 140 MPa

    - Indoor and outdoor pavements in storage areas
    - Roads
    - Material bunker
    - Chutes
    - Pneumatic transport systems
    - Scrapyard pavement
    - Dedusting systems

    Benefits for UHPC Wear Protection
    - Flexible layer thickness
    - Overhead installation possible
    - Jointless installation
    - Extreme high compressive strength
    - Very high wear resistant
    - Very good corrosion resistant
    - Adapts each of surface geometry
    - Fast curing at ambient temperature

    Benefits UHPC Phalt and UHPC Top layer
    - Extreme high tensile strength
    - Extreme high impact resistance and ductility
    - The jointless surface prohibits damages on trucks
    - Can be applied thin on even the weakest base
    - Freeze/thaw resistance
    - Fast curing -short stop time
    - Cost efficient alternative where a weak base
      requires a change in both wearing course and

    Special UHPC materials are virtually the bridge material of the future

    Bridges are among the oldest, most important and most prominent construction tasks of humanity. For a long time, bridge construction was mainly characterised by functional criteria, but nowadays more and more attention is paid to visual appearance. Highly developed building technologies can be used to create exciting, previously unimaginable constructions.

    Several characteristics of UHPC make it a desirable construction materials. With increased compressive (more than 200 MPa) and tensile 
    strengths, the material lends itself well to 
    structural applications by allowing higher loads 
    to be supported. By utilising the higher strengths, 
    traditional structural components can also be 
    reduced in size and weigth.
    Another benefit of UHPC is the high density and
    none porosity of the material making it essentially 
    impermeable to water and chlorides, thus making 
    the material highly durable. Both characteristics 
    also make UHPC attractive in areas of high impact 
    and where water or chloride ions can corrode steel 

    • High compressive strength
    • Fast development of compressive strength
    • High wear and impact resistant
    • Absolute frost and thaw resistant
    • Impermeable to fluids but still vapour permeable
    • Anti corrosive features
    • Good bonding to sub-bases, aggregates and reinforcement
    • High temperature resistant
    • Fast curing
    • Sort repair stops
    • Jointless lining

    Elements of a bridge that can be executed with UHPC

    • Bridge foundation 
    • Bridge bearings
    • Bridge supports
    • Bridge deck and bridge deck pavement
    • Prestressed concrete foundation