Showing posts with label Wear Protection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wear Protection. Show all posts

South Korea UHPC Wear protection lining of a BF Top Gas Cleaning system

BF Top Gas Cleaning

The Paul Wurth gas cleaning system for the Hyundai blast furnace was one of several Paul Wurth gas
cleaning systems we supplied with UHPC wear protection complete the wear protection. The installation was carried out by a local installation company.

We installed the anchors directly at the steel construction company. The UHPC wear protection lining was then lined on site at the steel mill in the installed condition. The total lining area was approximately 1000 sqm. The layer thickness was specified by the plant builder from 25 mm to 40 mm depending on the area in the cyclone. 


UHPC Mortar 2000 HT was specified by our customer as the wear protection material. UHPC Mortar 2000 HT is enormously wear resistant even at continuous temperatures up to 1200°C. The cyclone should have a normal average operating temperature of 400 - 500°C. However,

it is possible that hot gases up to 1000°C may enter the cyclone uncontrolled from blast furnace.


The planned service life is at least 10 years. During these 10 years the blast furnace will not be stopped and therefore repair of the cyclone will be possible only under very difficult conditions.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC wear protection an example from the steel industry

BF Top Gas Cleaning

UHPC has been specified as a wear protection material in a new dedusting cyclone for a blast furnace by one of the world's largest plant manufacturers in the steel industry. 

We installed the anchors directly at the steel construction company. The UHPC wear protection lining was then lined on site at the steel mill in the installed condition. The total lining area was approximately 1000 sqm. The layer thickness was specified by the plant builder from 25 mm to 40 mm depending on the area in the cyclone. 


UHPC Mortar 2000 HT was specified by our customer as the wear protection material. UHPC Mortar 2000 HT is enormously wear resistant even at continuous temperatures up to 1200°C. The cyclone should have a normal average operating temperature of 400 - 500°C. However, it is possible that hot gases up to 1000°C may enter the cyclone uncontrolled from blast furnace.


The planned service life is at least 10 years. During these 10 years the blast furnace will not be stopped and therefore repair of the cyclone will be possible only under very difficult conditions. 


 WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Pavements in Multi-storey car parks impermeable and strong

In multi-storey car parks, paricular attention must be paid
to the following
  • Constant vehicular traffic
  • Chemical attack from oil, petrol and salt
  • Rutting from continual driving along the same routes
  • Braking
  • Wear and tear from concerning traffic
  • Spiked tyres
  • Repeated freeze-thaw cycles

Floors in multi-storey car parks must therefore be able to withstand 
these stresses. Equally important, they must be impereable, preventing 
penetration of fluids or salt.

In designing a multi-storey car park, it is preferable to use a light but strong material to achive the most economical construction possible.

During construction, speed of installation and early trafficking are also important.

The key words for multi-storey car park projects are strength, impermeability and lightness.


UHPC TopLayer R
(with reinforcement)

UHPC TopLayer R is recommended for particularly poor floor surfaces or for floors subject to high traffic loads.
UHPC TopLayer R is a combination of a special fiber-reinforced UHPC concrete and reinforcement mats.

UHPC Phalt

UHPC Phalt is a semi-flexible floor covering consisting of an asphalt supporting structure and UHPC Phalt binder as a filler. This combines the flexibility of asphalt with the strength and resilience of UHPC concrete.

Advantages of UHPC TopLayer and UHPC Phalt
  • Very high bearing capacity
  • Reistant to point loads
  • Very high wear resistance.
  • Minimal requrements for joints
  • Impermeable
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Slip resistance
  • Level and smooth
  • Rapid installation 


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146


UHPC lined hydraulic conveyor pipelines for brine in salt mines

More than 14 years ago, a high-pressure-safe
(loadable up to max. 100 bar / 1450 psi) brine
hydraulic transport pipeline with UHPC wear
protection was installed as a test for other lines.

The pipe installation took place underground. In
addition to the extreme pressure, the line
should be highly wear-resistant and highly

After all these years, we had the opportunity
to check this line together with the customer
on site.

A pipe element was also removed from the
line and cut open to inspect the UHPC lining.
Neither the customer nor we expected such an
extremely good result after all these years of

The UHPC lining has only lost a few
millimeters from its 30 mm lining.
Thanks to the seamless, waterproof UHPC
lining, no expensive corrosion protection was
necessary during wear protection assembly.
Which made assembly much faster and less
expensive than the linings previously used.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

Pipeline repair in a potash mine

When I visited a potash mine, I noticed this "cemetery"
of used pipe parts for the hydraulic potash extraction.
There are around 200 pipe parts of different diameters,
lengths, angles and radius. All parts that were specially
manufactured for this production. The pipe parts are all
lined with cast basalt and have a 3-component
anti-corrosion coating. On average, these new pipe parts
cost EUR 700.00 / piece. So there is a value of at least
EUR 140,000.00. Since the pipe parts show more or less
wear damage, all should be disposed of. The disposal
costs amount to at least EUR 12,000.00. The new price
for the pipe is approx. 156,000.00 EUR and the delivery
time is at least 3-4 months.

I explained to the plant management that we can repair
all the pipe parts. We would remove the existing and
partially worn cast basalt lining and replace it with a
new UHPC wear protection lining. I calculated the
budget costs for this at EUR 66,000.00. The repair work
takes approximately 2 months. Here, however, we could
orient ourselves according to the wishes regarding the
installation sequence to the customer and always repair
the pipe parts that he needs at short notice.

Our customer decided on a new lining instead of a new
production and saved 90,000.00 EUR and at least 1-2
months delivery time.

Today there are no more "cemeteries" for used pipeline
parts in his plants.

Repair of dams and hydroelectric power plant constructions with UHPC concrete

Hydroelectric power plant

UHPC Concrete has been used as a construction or
repair material in offshore, port construction and
coastal protection worldwide for more than 25
years. UHPC concretes are far superior to standard
concretes in their application and service life

Typical areas for UHPC concrete repairs
 - Core walls
 - Deflection tunnel
 - Spillways
 - Stilling basins
 - Slope protection

Advantages of UHPC compared to standard concrete
 - Extremely high compressive strength
 - Very good adhesion
 - Waterproof from a layer thickness of 15 mm
 - Very high wear resistance
 - Very high corrosion resistance
 - Very high resistance to frost and ice
 - Very good impact resistance
 - Quick and easy installation, even of large areas
 - Thanks to the extremely fine UHPC binder, even the
   smallest joints and cracks can be closed well and permanently
 - UHPC can be processed as shotcrete, castable or as mortar.
 - UHPC reaches more than 70% of its maximum nominal
   strength after 48 hours.

Especially the slides of a dam are subjected to high amount
of wear as a very high volume of water is running over
these. UHPC can easily withstand this water. UHPC is the
ideal material for dam reinforcement and repair/maintenance.
UHPC materials can be quickly and extensively processed
as mortar, cast or shotcrete.
The rapid and high strength development favors a quick
restart of the system.
In the lake in front of the dam, the dam will be subjected
to impact by debris, which can deteriorate concrete. Placing
a layer of UHPC will end the deterioration.

UHPC Wear- and corrosion protection for all pipe dimensions

UHPC linings of all kinds of pipes inside and
out was one of our first major projects more
than 25 years ago. The pipes should be
permanently protected against wear and
corrosion with UHPC under the toughest
conditions. First of all, pipes for pneumatic
material delivery lines in the cement industry
were lined. After that, pneumatic and hydraulic
pipelines for the coal-fired power plant industry
and the steel industry were lined. Later came
the offshore industry and the wastewater
industry. We lined pipes of any diameter from
40mm / 1,57inch to 8000mm / 315inch. Here,
the geometry played no major role, so
whether Y-piece, pipe bend, reducer, etc.

The huge advantage of UHPC over all liners at
that time was the seamless lining, the flexibility
in layer thicknesses, the variations in material
quality and the very high wear and corrosion
resistance for a very long service life. Even
today, pipes are in use that were lined 25 years
ago with UHPC.
Today, new pipe systems are lined with UHPC
or existing pipe systems are repaired with UHPC
material. It makes only a very small difference
whether they are concrete or steel pipes.

We use UHPC mortar, UHPC castable and
UHPC shotcrete as lining material. UHPC
Rapid material grades are used for extremely
fast repairs.

In the offshore industry, UHPC is used both
as the inner and outer lining of pipelines.
UHPC can also be used underwater. A 15mm
or 0,6inch thick UHPC coating is waterproof
and absolutely corrosion resistant. A UHPC-
lined offshore structure no longer requires
regular corrosion protection coatings. UHPC
is used today as a material for offshore
constructions and offshore foundations

For some years, we use high temperature resistant
UHPC material in the steel industry. Hot gas
temperatures up to more than 1000°C / 1832°F
are no problem here. We also coat hot gas pipe
system with a combination of UHPC and high
performance insulation. This makes it possible
to dispense with stainless steel as a construction
material, which in turn reduces costs enormously.

Wastewater pipelines, storm water drains, storm
water storage systems road drainage systems,
sewage systems and culverts whether made of
steel or concrete, can be easily repaired with
UHPC. It is not necessary to clean the
construction of rust before you start with the
lining. With UHPC Shotcrete, larger pipelines
can be quickly and permanently repaired. Due
to the extremely low rebound of less than 3%,
special cleaning work in the pipeline is not

Smaller repairs can be done quickly with UHPC
mortar or UHPC Cast. As UHPC materials
exceed the compressive strength of all standard
concretes by more than once, steel and concrete
pipelines are more resilient after a complete repair.

Advantage of UHPC 
Absolutely waterproof
Absolutely moisture resistant
Extremely corrosion resistant
Very high life expectancy
Very good resistance to a variety of chemicals
Very high strength 


An unusual bond and impact test with UHPC mortar

An unusual bond and impact test with UHPC mortar

This test was carried out by us more than 15 years ago. The aim was to test the adhesion of UHPC mortar in a pipe section. For this purpose, a pipe section was provided with only a few small anchors.

Only half the circumference of the pipe section was lined with UHPC mortar in a layer thickness of 25 mm / 1 inch. The half-circumference lining was chosen to increase the load in the event of an impact.

As you can clearly see in this video, the adhesive force of UHPC mortar is so great that it took several impacts and a deformation of the steel structure to release the UHPC mortar lining from the steel structure.



UHPC use under extreme cold conditions in the offshore industry

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete in his
high quality material version is an interesting
alternative to steel in many applications in
water and ice.

Benefit of UHPC
 -  UHPC is extremely resistant to wear and can
        withstand even the hardest ice floes.
 -  UHPC does not require corrosion protection.
 -  UHPC is absolutely seawater resistant.
 -  UHPC has tremendous strength.
 -  UHPC can easily withstand temperatures from 
        -180°C / 356°F to + 500°C / 932°F without
        being damaged.
 -  UHPC can adapt to all geometries.
 -  UHPC can be processed locally by local
        installers without special machinery.
 -  UHPC can be processed as casting compound,
        mortar or as a shotcreating compound.
 -  From UHPC very small as well as extremely
        large prefabricated elements can be manufactured.
 -  UHPC can be used to statically carry parts.
 -  UHPC is very resistant to a variety of chemicals.
 -  High temperature resistant UHPC does not lose
        its strength even at high temperatures.
 -  UHPC has a lower weight than steel.
 -  UHPC is made more sustainable than steel.
 -  UHPC can also be processed in damp areas
        and underwater.

For some years, UHPC has been used in the offshore
industry to repair oil rig platforms. You could
imagine producing whole oil rig platforms made of
UHPC. The foundations for all offshore wind
turbines worldwide are manufactured using UHPC
materials. In the past, complete ships were made
from UHPC.

Port facilities, jetties, quay walls, weirs, dykes, etc.
were already made from UHPC. UHPC offers new,
long-lasting options for coastal protection and life
on and in the water.

The jungle of short names for high strength concrete

I would like to try to clarify the jungle of
short names of high strength concrete
 names in the literature. The reason for
this is, that I have once again read a technical
master thesis from the field of civil
construction of a European university and
where only with short descriptions is
thrown around.

The first high-strength cement binder with a
compressive strength of well over 100 MPa
was developed in Denmark more than 30 years
ago. The aim of the development was to
produce a high-strength cement binder, which
was also very successful. At that time, the
focus was on the binder and not on possible
aggregates or reinforcement systems. For this
reason, an extremely high-strength binder was
always used in all the discussions.
Much later, to the dismay of many, the term
UHPC appeared in the literature. In our opinion,
this term UHPC cannot be clearly defined. It
also seems to be a fad to further water down this
term and everyone who thinks he has understood
ultra high-strength concrete creates his own short

I would like to list the short forms here and provide
appropriate comments.

The UHPC binder is made of a special grade of 
cement, microsilica and superplasticizer.

UHPC    Ultra High Performance Concrete

Consists of UHPC binder + aggregates, which
can have different material grades and grain sizes
There are no standards which additives and surcharges of
which material quality and grain size must be used.

HPC    High Performance Concrete

Consists of cement + aggregates + additives
There are no standards which additives and surcharges of 
which material quality and grain size must be used. Likewise, 
there are no standards about the technical properties.

RHPC    Reinforced High Performance Concrete

Consists of cement + aggregates + additives and
unspecified reinforcement
There are no standards which additives and surcharges of 
which material quality and grain size must be used. Likewise, 
there are no standards about the technical properties. There
is no specification for material quality, dimensions and 
quantities for the reinforcement

HRUHPC    Heavy Reinforced Ultra High Performance Concrete

Consists of UHPC binder + aggregates, which
can have different material qualities and grain
sizes, and an unspecified reinforcement
There are no standards which additives and surcharges of 
which material quality and grain size must be used. 
Likewise, there are no standards about the technical 
properties. There is no specification for material quality, 
dimensions and quantities for the reinforcement

SFRC    Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Consists of cement + aggregates + additives +
steel fibers
There are no standards which additives and surcharges of 
which material quality and grain size must be used. Likewise, 
there are no standards about the technical properties. For the 
fibers there is no specification of material quality, dimensions
and quantities.

RPC    Reactive Power Concrete

Consists of cement + sand + quarz powder, 
silica fume, steel fiber and superplasticizer
There is no standards of the quality of cement, sand 
silica fume must be used.

Anyone, university, technical literature or expert, will
take part in this Babylonian jumble without bothering
to really specify UHPC. At the moment many talk
about many things, but only a few about the same.

In my opinion, there should be only one UHPC binder
quality with one name and what is admixed to like
aggregates, fiber, reinforcements and much more is up
to the user. The UHPC binder manufacturer should only
manufacture according to the UHPC binder specification.

If one agreed internationally on a technical specification,
there would be very few UHPC producers from that day
on and many would have to name their products
differently or dramatically improve their material quality.

UHPC the future competitor of steel in many applications

We know many people think UHPC is just
a concrete, possibly a special concrete and
with this concrete you do what you just do
with concrete, nothing more. People which
think in this way, should not continue to
deal with UHPC in the future and continue
to mix their old beautiful concrete.

The philosophy of hhbc-consulting is not
the simple replacement of concrete with
UHPC. That would be like replacing gravel
with diamonds.

We use UHPC in the construction industry
where it makes sense, in very specific areas
but our real competitor market in the future
is the steel market. There are a huge number
of applications where UHPC is better, more
durable, cheaper, easier and faster to
manufacture than steel.
UHPC is corrosion and wear resistant and in a HT Version also high temperature resistant (up
to more than 1000°C).

One example of many from the past years, Rolling bearing systems
A steel mill suffered damage to several rolling bearings in the area of ​​the rolling line (the area where the hot slabs are rolled at high speed and high speed to thinner plates). These rolling bearings are manufactured from a very special casting. The problem was that not enough bearing systems were available. These bearing systems are extremely expensive and have a very long delivery time.
In this case the steel plant would have had to wait more than 4 months. What would mean 4 months, the rolling mill could only be used to 30% of the capacity, a million loss.
By chance, we had heard of this problem in a
meeting for a machine floor renovation. We
looked at the drawings and specifications out
of pure interest. After a short internal
discussion, we made the following proposal
to the plant management:
We can copy the bearing completely made of UHPC. We could mix the UHPC material with graphite balls of a certain quality and size. We could achieve a high compressive strength of the material. We could process it to have similar surface roughness as the original bearing and what was extremely important we were sure to provide such a bearing to the factory in just four weeks.
We have provided the factory with the bearing systems within four weeks at one sixth of the original price. The bearings were in operation for 5 months, by 80% of the production capacity until they could be replaced with the newly made cast bearings. We have saved a lot of money for the plant with our UHPC solution.

Protection of river banks and bridges with UHPC technology

At a meeting of local councils in the alpine
region, hhbc-consulting and WPE DK were
invited as guests to discuss possible
rehabilitation and protection of river banks
and bridges. Due to climate change, especially 
in the mountainous regions, the streams and 
rivers are flooded with enormous amounts 
of water as a result of enormous amounts of 
rain and continuous snow melt. In addition 
to the water flowing at high speed, ever 
greater quantities of debris are also being 
transported. Water and debris are increasingly 
damaging bank and bridge structures. For the 
most part, they are not designed for these 

One of the main points of this discussion,
was the rehabilitation of the massive damage
caused by scree and water masses on the
construction of the riverbanks, especially in
areas of river diversion and river guidance
in villages and towns.

Particularly the rising water masses among
other things by massive lasting rains and
resulting high flow velocities with scree
movements give rise to concern.

As one of the possible solutions for the future,
the use of UHPC Ultra High Performance
Concrete as a refurbishment material and as
construction material for renewed protective
installation was discussed.

UHPC concrete would offer concrete with its
extreme strength (over 140 MPa - 240 MPa),
very high wear resistance and extremely high
corrosion resistance.

In addition, a joint-free processing is possible.
Due to these characteristics, the design of river
banks and river diversions with artificial rock
constructions made of UHPC was discussed.
As assembly methods for UHPC, assembly
pre-fabricated elements, casting or spray-on-site
(Shotcrete) assembly was discussed.
Since UHPC develop within 48 hours 70% of its
nominal strength are very fast in assembly methods
and thus the repair time is very short.

Due to the many years of experience we have in
offshore and coastal areas, first projects have
been agreed.

UHPC concrete in the petroleum production and processing industry

In the oil producing and processing industry,
UHPC Ultra high Performance concrete can
and will be used in a variety of applications
such as securing material, repair material,
construction material, wear protection and
corrosion protection used.

For the use of offshore platforms UHPC is an
ideal construction, repair and corrosion material.
UHPC can be processed without problems in humid
environments. UHPC is water-permeable even in
low layer thicknesses. UHPC is absolutely saltwater
resistant and can be processed underwater. UHPC in
its high temperature version can be used up to
1000°C/1832°F continuous temperature. UHPC
retains much of its strength at this temperature,
whereas steel has long lost its strength. UHPC is
extremely resistant to rapid temperature fluctuations.

In crude oil processing UHPC can be used as
corrosion protection, wear protection, safety
construction or as construction material.

UHPC concrete are also particularly suitable for the
fracking industry and as oilwell cement.

In the oil refineries and oil ports, UHPC is a perfect
material for all security components. Here, security
can also be interpreted as security against terrorist
attacks. UHPC is extremely corrosion-resistant and
liquid-tight from a wall thickness of 10 mm. Pipes
can be protected against wear and corrosion from
the inside. Important and sensitive constructions
can be permanently protected against temperature
and wear with UHPC. There are already plans to
construct complete crude oil tanks from UHPC. In
case of fires, they would maintain their strength even
at extreme temperatures. Security-related buildings
and production facilities can be protected against a
terrorist attack. Port facilities and loading and
unloading jetty facilities can be permanently
protected against seawater corrosion.

UHPC - Use in recycling plants

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
application in recycling plants for
  • Synthetic substance - Recycling
  • Plastic - Recycling
  • Military equipment - Recycling
  • Paper - Recycling
  • Metal - Recycling
  • Precious metal - Recycling
  • PCBs - Recycling
  • Nuclear - Recycling

The reprocessing of paper, plastic, chemical 
waste, rubber and metals has become an 
extremely important commodity market for 
the producing industry. Much more metal 
raw material is recovered from reprocessing 
than mining.
The material required for reprocessing is 

stored on large exterior and interior surfaces. 
Here, the bearing surfaces are mechanically 
attacked as well as the corrosive liquids 
Many existing concrete surfaces show 

considerable damage, which does not 
guarantee the smooth and safe transport 
of the stored goods for reprocessing.
UHPC floor systems are best suited for 

these loads due to their hardness and 
wear resistance. These floor systems are 
laid without joints. Due to the very high 
material density, penetration of corrosive 
liquid with professional installation is 
almost impossible.

UHPC floor and pavementsystems are 
UHPC Phalt and UHPC TopLayer.

UHPC Phalt is a combination of traditional
asphalt with UHPC concrete. The result is a
ground or street blast with the flexibility of asphalt 
and the very high compressive strength and 
wear resistance of UHPC concrete. The 
processing and processing time is extremely 
easy and cost effective.
UHPC TopLayer are floor coverings made of 

UHPC concrete for very high mechanical loads. 
The material thickness is only a fraction of 
standard screeds or concretes.
UHPC TopLayer are extremely corrosion 

resistant and can be installed almost on any 
flooring. UHPC TopLayer achieve compressive 
strengths of far more than 140 MPa

- Indoor and outdoor pavements in storage areas
- Roads
- Material bunker
- Chutes
- Pneumatic transport systems
- Scrapyard pavement
- Dedusting systems

Benefits for UHPC Wear Protection
- Flexible layer thickness
- Overhead installation possible
- Jointless installation
- Extreme high compressive strength
- Very high wear resistant
- Very good corrosion resistant
- Adapts each of surface geometry
- Fast curing at ambient temperature

Benefits UHPC Phalt and UHPC Top layer
- Extreme high tensile strength
- Extreme high impact resistance and ductility
- The jointless surface prohibits damages on trucks
- Can be applied thin on even the weakest base
- Freeze/thaw resistance
- Fast curing -short stop time
- Cost efficient alternative where a weak base
  requires a change in both wearing course and