Showing posts with label Airport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airport. Show all posts

UHPC pavement for extreme heat and extreme cold


Asphalt road surfaces have very big problems when there are extreme summers with long-lasting very
high temperatures. The asphalt loses its bearing capacity the higher the ambient temperatures become, it becomes soft. In extreme cases it sticks to vehicle wheels and shoes. Accidents can occur because there is no longer any adhesion to the surface. Likewise, in extreme cases, people can no longer walk on these surfaces or roads are closed because of the risk of accidents.

Standard concrete road surfaces have problems in extreme cold. Cracks in the concrete and salt spreading to keep the roads passable destroy the concrete including reinforcement in the long run. Water penetrates the concrete cracks, freezes to ice, expands and cracks the concrete. De-icing salt penetrates the concrete cracks, the reinforcement corrodes, expands and blasts the concrete from the reinforcement. 


We will always find these extreme situations in many parts of the world in the future. The cost of maintaining transport infrastructure is immeasurable. It is impossible under the present conditions for road and bridge maintenance to carry out all the necessary repairs. In addition to the lack of financial budgets, many places also lack the staff to carry out this work.

UHPC Phalt semi-rigid overlays could be a durable solution for such extreme temperatures. This solution
combines the flexibility of asphalt with the very high load-bearing capacity and wear resistance of UHPC concrete. The standard asphalt is modified in its structure and serves as a matrix for the very fluid UHPC concrete. The UHPC Phalt slurry penetrates the asphalt matrix via the open-pored structure and fills it completely. 




WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146


Heat problems on airports

The climate is changing, the summers are getting much hotter. The summers are getting so hot that
infrastructure constructions such as concrete roads and asphalt roads are reaching their limits. Here is one of many examples, airfields. The taxiways, aprons and parking areas have to be cooled with water because the pavement may reach its load limit. Costly and time-consuming repairs are the result. The heat waves are getting longer every year.
Wouldn't it be an improvement to use semi-rigid floor coverings with a temperature resistance of up to +90°C and very high load-bearing capacity in highly stressed areas? An alternative would be UHPC TopLayers that do not lose their peak load-bearing capacity even at very high temperatures.



 WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

CNN Article - It´s so hot, roads are buckling, they are putting foil on a bridge and roof....

 The climate has changed and even if all countries of the world would reach their climate goals, it would still take decades positively estimated until the climate change would move again in another direction. So we and the next generation of us have to live with the changes like heat. Now the architects are asked not to build beautiful glass palaces but buildings that resist heat. Take a look at the traditional building constructions in Africa and the Arabic countries and learn quickly. Our learning about building materials started years ago. We have a strong base in southern Africa. We learn and develop HPC and UHPC based on local raw materials and we combined our HPC and UHPC systems with local construction materials.
Many of our HPC and UHPC binder systems are high temperature resistant and may be easy to work with under higher ambient temperatures in the future.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC for maximum safety and performance

Today, UHPC concrete is used as a construction
material all over the world for maximum safety
and performance. One example of this are the
transport tubes for the Hyperloop system.
Tubular elements made of UHPC concrete have
already been manufactured here for test purposes. 

UHPC concrete is constantly evolving in terms
of its technical material properties and application.
We expect further big changes in our UHPC
material development in the next few years,
which go far beyond what we have so far. Many
materials such as standard concrete or standard
steel will no longer be able to follow this.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Phalt a semi rigid top layer for all areas of an airport

Our nanotechnology for UHPC binder is now
over 30 years old and has been used in a wide
variety of areas worldwide.

From the beginning, the idea was to create a
material combination that combines the best
material properties of both products in an ideal
and flexible manner.
We call this combination material UHPC-Phalt.

The technique is simply, lay a coarse-grained,
porous, locally produced standard asphalt and fill
the pores with an extremely liquid UHPC concrete.

The result is that a flexible, temperature-resistant, 
high-pressure-resistant and extremely resilient, 
frost and de-icing salt-resistant, long-lasting
runway surface is created.

High axle loads, extreme ambient temperatures,
limited construction time and
constrained budgeting.

Standard laying machines and mixing machines
can be used for processing. Asphalt assembly
companies can easily lay this combination of
such materials

Local asphalt qualities can easily be used for
Fine sand or desert sand can be used for the
UHPC concrete.

Our UHPC binder can be flexibly adapted to
customer requirements. Curing speeds can be
adapted to customer requirements so that the
laying speeds of the laying machines can be
used to the maximum.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Helicoper landing pads concstructions

For more than 20 years, UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete has been used as a
floor covering at airports worldwide.

UHPC as a concrete floor covering or in combination with asphalt (UHPC Phalt) are extremely resilient floor coverings for runways, hangars, aprons and warehouses. In terms of their technical properties, they exceed the existing standard coverings several times over, especially with regard to compressive strength, temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

Helicopter landing pads for civil and military helicopter are rarely made from high performance UHPC unless the landing pads are to be created in exceptional locations or under exceptional environmental conditions, such as in extreme altitudes, extreme climatic conditions, offshore platforms, exceptionally low ground structures, civilian and military vessels.

Certain UHPC material combinations have ductile properties which have proven to be
particularly suitable for moving steel
constructions in many industrial sectors.

UHPC in combination with steel constructions can increase the load bearing capacity of the steel constructions while protecting them from all extreme environmental influences.

In addition, our UHPC concrete or UHPC Phalt  has an extremely fast strength development, so that the landing area can be used after a short time.can be laid very quickly and the  and can be used in a very short time.

Sound barrier systems with UHPC and recycling aggregates

Highway noise barrier
There are a variety of sound barrier systems.
Soundproofing systems made of precast concrete
parts is one possibility.

Precast concrete walls are used especially as a
noise barrier on highways and railway tracks.
They can be made in any size and geometry,
adapting perfectly to noise protection and local

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
UHPC fiber reinforced concrete has a lot of
advantages compared to standard concretes
that already start with the production.
Recycled asphalt
Due to the extremely high strength values, the
elements can be designed leaner, resulting in
lower material consumption and final price.

Furthermore, UHPC materials reach their strength
in less than 24 hours, enabling them to be removed
from the molds. After less than 48 hours, already
70% of the maximum final strength is achieved.
UHPC is a concrete material with almost no pores.
This makes UHPC extremely corrosion resistant
and resistant to all environmental influences.

Of course, due to its extreme corrosion resistance,
UHPC concrete is ideally suited as a construction
material for soundproof walls that are to be planted.
The root system or frost cannot harm UHPC
Recycled rubber
We also have experience of producing of UHPC
lightweight concrete for facade andwall construction.

A regular inspection of UHPC walls is not required.
The expected service life is approx. 100 years.

The future 
Use of all kind of recycling material as an aggregate 
to UHPC Binder
Our goal is to provide our customers with a material
that is not only recyclable but also largely made from
recycled materials such as plastic, rubber, asphalt,
concrete, glas, wall stones, all kind of bricks and
other mixed products. Through this use, the material
costs per ton concrete are drastically reduced. UHPC
is the perfect binder for these aggregates.

Fast - Faster - UHPC Rapid for new installation and repair

For very fast assembly in the taxiway of an airport
we have delivered a special UHPC (Ultra high
Performance Concrete) Cast.

Last Airport project:
There had to be laid cable protection pipes in the
area of ​​the taxiway. For this purpose, a slot of
20cm / 7,87in wide, 100cm / 39,37in deep and
100meters /109yd long in the existing concrete
floor had to be milled. For the filling of the slot
after the cable protection pipes had been laid,
we delivered a quick-hardening UHPC Rapid
Cast. The setting time of this special UHPC
is 2-3 hours, depending on the environmental
conditions. After this time it reaches a strength
above 20 MPa / 2900 psi. The final strength
after 48 hours is about 80 - 100 MPa /
1160 - 14500 psi.

Originally the UHPC Rapid product series
was developed about 20 years ago for wear
protection repairs in steel plants, power plants,
mining plants and cement plants.
Later, the UHPC Rapid was used not only as
a mortar but also as a cast and shotcrete. The
UHPC Rapid shotcrete was particularly used
in mining tunnels and the UHPC Rapid Cast
was used in the new lining and repair of
roadways, roads, storage areas and industrial

Meanwhile, it is also used as repair material
in airports, on highways and bridges.

UHPC for fire-safe escape routes and rescue rooms

With UHPC (Ultra High Performance Concrete),
escape routes in hospitals, public buildings, hotels,
shopping mall, restaurants, office towers, stairways,
elevator shafts and production facilities can be
designed safely and fireprotected.

Today escape routes in all areas can be designed
safely and in a modern design with UHPC materials.
Even the interior (fire resitant furniture) in escape
areas can be elegantly and filigree made of UHPC.

Our standard UHPC concretes achieve compressive
strength of up to max. 210 MPa / 30500 psi and a
flexural strength up to max. 27 MPa / 3900 psi. We
produce UHPC materials as mortar, castable and

The UHPC material grades can easily withstand
continuous temperatures up to 450°C / 842°F without
loss of strength. The high temperature resistant UHPC
can withstand continuous temperatures up to
1200°C / 2190°F with only a very small loss of strength.
Our UHPC materials are extremely temperature shock
resistant and impermeable to water, so that the damage
caused by extinguishing water is very low.

It is also possible for us to combine UHPC materials
with extremely effective thin layer insulating
materials so that even existing concrete or steel
structures are permanently protected against heat and
that at very low wall thicknesses and material weights.

Brighter and cooler city centers and brighter in tunnels with UHPC

An article reported on the increasing warming of
inner cities and possible future measures to reduce

City roads
In a test, some asphalt road with a specially
developed soil color was colored white as much
as possible and the temperature differences in
this road were measured over a summer period.
It turned out that the light road surfaces reflect
significantly more solar radiation and were
therefore "cooler" than the traditional asphalt

Of course the pavement painting, the traffic and
thus exposed to wear and it would be necessary
to renew the floor paint at regular intervals.

A simpler and much more durable method is
the combination of asphalt and UHPC Ultra
High Performance Concrete binder. This
combination is used in many areas such as
industrial flooring, aircraft hangars, runways
and roads. This combination has a variety of
technical and cost advantages over standard
asphalt. Its main advantages are its extreme
resilience at any temperature and the much
higher compressive strength than Asphalt

The lifetime of this material combination is
several times higher than standard asphalt.
Likewise, this coating can easily withstand
the future traffic through its significantly
higher pressure resistance

The UHPC binder content can also be produced
on a white cement base. As you can see in the
photo, the binder would stain over the entire
layer thickness without the need for special
"coloring" measures.

In addition to reflecting solar radiation, very
light asphalt / UHPC surface has many other
advantages over traditional asphalt surfaces.
When used in tunnels, the light-colored road
surface reduces the energy costs for lighting,
the floor areas are evenly light, which increases
safety, and the surface is considerably less
flammable than standard asphalt surface. The
surface has a much longer service life with high
traffic loads than standard asphalt, which
drastically reduces repair times and repair costs
and increases traffic safety.

It can become very bright on the streets

UHPC/Asphalt system versus concrete for pavement, industrial flooring and roads

What is UHPC Phalt?
UHPC Phalt is a grouted macadam comprising 
an open graded asphalt that is flooded with high 
strength microsilica based mortars. The open 
graded asphalt is mixed to a design mix at a 
local asphalt plant and delivered to site in tipper 
trucks. It is placed via traditional paving techniques.

The UHPC Phalt mortars are delivered in 
1 tonne bags and mixed via a continuous flow 
pump machine. The mortar is mixed for a certain 
amount of time to achieve correct viscosity then 
flooded via a large hose onto the asphalt matrix.

How does the whole construction 
thickness fit together?
UHPC Phalt can be laid at depths of 30 mm / 
1,18 in upwards (typically maximum depth used 
is 40 mm / 1,57 in). UHPC Phalt is the top layer 
of the pavement that is supported by a basecourse 
layer. The basecourse layer can vary dependent 
on environment and loadings, internal or external 
applications. Preferred basecourse materials to 
support the UHPC Phalt topping are high modulus 
macadam basecourse or Foamix recycled binder 
course. CBM bases are ideal for use for large 
internal areas. 
The UHPC Phalt pavement structure (DPH + 
Basecourse) is laid onto varying depths of Type 1 stone/capping dependent on the CBR value of 
the sub-grade. 

Advantages of UHPC  Phalt
  • Very high load carrying capacity
  • Frost and rew resistant
  • Jointless laying
  • Quick installation
  • High early strength
  • Temperature resistant from - 60°C/-76°F - 90°C/194°F

Where is UHPC Phalt used?
  • Airports
  • Ports
  • Lorry marshalling areas
  • Service yards
  • Acces roads
  • Bus stations / depots
  • Waste management facilities
  • Car parks
  • Indoors for warehouse floors
  • Anywhere that concrete is conventionally used

UHPC Rehabilitation of concrete structures

Due to the old age and the increased and
rapidly increasing loads, for example due
to traffic and environmental influences,
an enormous number of concrete structures
are in need of renovation or have to be
completely replaced by new, more robust
structures. The renovation effort in the
infrastructure area is gigantic worldwide.
The focus here is on bridges.

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete
materials have many decisive advantages
over standard concretes when renovating
concrete structures. By using UHPC concretes,
material costs, assembly costs and assembly
times can be reduced and the service life of
the repaired concrete structures can be
extremely increased. Standard construction
machines can be used when installing UHPC

The goals of repair or repair assembly are in

The restoration of stability and a stable concrete 
Due to the enormously high strength values ​​of
UHPC compared to standard concrete and its
very fast strength development, the stability of
the construction can be quickly restored.
UHPC mortar, castable and shotcrete materials
can be used.

Increasing the load capacity
UHPC materials offer the structural engineer and
bridge designer the option of significantly
strengthening areas of the bridge structure that are
subject to high loads.

Maintenance or restoration of corrosion protection 
and frost resistance
UHPC is an almost non-porous material that is
absolutely frost and de-icing salt resistant, even
with a very thin layer of material. UHPC is also
absolutely seawater resistant and can also be
processed underwater. Thanks to these properties,
the repair effort for exposed reinforcements is
significantly lower than for standard concrete.
Only half of the material coverage is required
compared to standard concrete

Restoring or increasing the frictional resistance of 
the concrete surface
Through the addition of ceramic or mineral additives
and their very high adhesion to the UHPC material,
any friction coefficient can be guaranteed over a very
long period.

Restoring or increasing the fire resistance of components
UHPC HT (high temperature resistant) materials are
endurance-resistant up to over 1000°C /1832°F. All UHPC
materials are extremely resistant to shock temperature loads.

Increase thermal insulation
UHPC and UHPC HT in combination with extremely
thin high-performance insulating materials can lead to
high-strength and highly insulating structures.

Permanently closing cracks with a static and sealing function
UHPC Castable are based on nanotechnology, they are
extremely thin and penetrate into the smallest pores or
cracks and seal them permanently.

UHPC Supervisor projects worldwide

Today we completed our 100th Supervisor project

Since the first customer request more than 20 years ago, we have meanwhile completed projects with UHPC materials in more than 35 countries around the world. We looked after offshore, corrosion, wear protection, concrete rehabilitation, architecture, hydraulic engineering, road construction, etc.
On behalf of our customers, we have carried out assembly projects, trained fitters on site, carried out complete assemblies independently, assessed damage, worked out repair solutions, etc.
Our current project was the rehabilitation of 10 km of lanes at Europe's largest flower auctioneer.

Here some impressions of our worldwide jobs