Showing posts with label Civil engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil engineering. Show all posts

UHPC Concrete tower construction up to 300 meter

Industrial chimneys and lighthouses have always
been bricked up, and so well that they are still
fully functional to this day and would be a while
if they weren't torn down. Today you would not
be able to pay for such a construction method
and you would no longer have the time to assemble

Large or tall towers such as TV towers, radio masts,
offshore / onshore wind turbines and similar
structures are made of steel or reinforcing concrete.
High-quality UHPC materials can take on
compressive strengths of more than 240 MPa /
34.800 psi and thus corresponding bending tensile
strengths without reinforcement.

With appropriate reinforcement, these values ​​can
be multiplied several times. Today, slim, high-
strength tower constructions are possible that
cannot be achieved with standard concrete. The
main tube construction of radio masts can also
be made entirely of UHPC today.
Towers for onshore and offshore wind turbines
are already made from UHPC prefabricated parts
or cast on site.

UHPC has many technical advantages over steel
or reinforced concrete structures. UHPC towers
are absolutely corrosion-resistant, quickly
installed and maintenance-free.

High temperature resistant UHPC pavement

Constant very high temperatures and high
loads cause high damage to stone or concrete
Last year we re-lined a floor in the steel collis
warehouse with UHPC HT. The freshly rolled
steel collis have an average weight of 20 tons
and are still more than 280°C / 536°F warm
for a few days when they are stored. The
radiant heat has caused massive damage to
the floor area in most areas of the hall. In
addition, the hot collis are driven from the
rolling mill into the warehouse with special
forklifts and placed correctly.

The routes in the warehouse had to be
completely renovated for safety reasons.
Since the ground was so bumpy, there was
a risk that a forklift with the hot colli might
fall over.

For this reason, the old floor was completely
removed. The subbase floor was rebuilt and
carefully compacted. Subsequently, at least
50 mm /2 inch thick UHPC HT high temperature
resistant flooring, which also has a very high
compressive strength and wear resistance, was laid.
In the UHPC HT floor covering, two-layer
reinforcement was introduced in order to absorb
the shear stresses that are generated by the heavy
forklift movements.
We relined approx. 1000 sqm hall floor. 

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146



Comparison HPC/UHPC - Standard concrete according DIN EN 206-1

This is a small excerpt from our HPC - UHPC manual book 2020. it shows a small technical section of our possibilities.
Our HPC - UHPC manual book 2020 is currently being revised and will then be available to our customers.



 WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146





UHPC flooring system for residential housing, parking decks and concrete repair

The UHPC is known in the industry as extreme
wear-resistant flooring for more than 25 years.

Recently, UHPC floor coverings are increasingly
being used in residential housing projects. One
of the many advantages over traditional floor
coverings is that the UHPC floor covering is
absolutely watertight from a layer thickness of
8 mm. UHPC floor coverings can be processed
just like normal cement screed. In  addition to
the above-mentioned waterproofness, UHPC
flooring coverings also have a very high
compressive strength.

UHPC floor coverings are ideal partners for all
kind underfloor heating systems.
The fast strength development, with more than

70% of the nominal strength achieved after 48
hours in the normal quality, makes it an
interesting floor covering for a variety of

If repairs are carried out in damp basements or
damp existing floors, UHPC flooring can be
installed directly on the damp surface.

UHPC flooring is also an outstandingly extremely
durable corrosion protection for everything that
is cast in this material, such as reinforcements
and for that already a few millimeters cover is

If UHPC concrete is used, expensive electrical
corrosion protection systems or corrosion
protection coatings are unnecessary.

UHPC in alternative and regenerative energy production

UHPC materials are used in all processes of alternative and active native energy production used as the material for foundations, as a lining-material for protection against corrosion, wear and as a construction material. Due to the diverse application possibilities and the superior properties compared to standard concrete qualities, UHPC are increasingly used in the mentioned areas. UHPC has the advantage that it can be processed just like standard concretes.

Hydroelectric power plants or storage power plants
Due to the extreme corrosion resistance of UHPC concrete constructions with a much higher reinforcement density per volume can be used. This can significantly increase the strength of the construction or the wall thicknesses or layer thicknesses can be reduced while maintaining strength.
In the right combination UHPC is very resistant to wear and cavitation.
Since UHPC already reaches 70% of its maximum nominal strength in the standard quality after 48 hours and in the special quality after only 12 hours.
UHPC is available as mortar, casting material and shotcrete material.

Tidal power plants
Some tidal power plant systems are already being used in Europe and Asia. There are now a lot of technical variations of tidal power plants for the coasts but also for directly in the sea. One thing all needs a stable seawater resistant and durable foundation.
Based on the experience gained with the foundation systems of the offshore wind power plants, high quality UHPC materials are ideally suited for this purpose. In particular, the enormous adhesive power of UHPC in anchoring and bolt system is required here. What is once shed in a UHPC foundation can no longer be removed from the foundation, even with enormous forces. Not only in this regard, UHPC is many times superior to normal standard concrete.

Biogas power plant

Biogas has been produced in many small plants in the past. There are already very large production facilities in Europe. The plants have corrosion and wear problems due to the production process. Especially wherever standard concrete was used. Here, a UHPC protective layer of a few millimeters can be used to achieve permanent corrosion protection. To achieve a very long service life, UHPC concrete should be used for the new construction.

UHPC the future competitor of steel in many applications

We know many people think UHPC is just
a concrete, possibly a special concrete and
with this concrete you do what you just do
with concrete, nothing more. People which
think in this way, should not continue to
deal with UHPC in the future and continue
to mix their old beautiful concrete.

The philosophy of hhbc-consulting is not
the simple replacement of concrete with
UHPC. That would be like replacing gravel
with diamonds.

We use UHPC in the construction industry
where it makes sense, in very specific areas
but our real competitor market in the future
is the steel market. There are a huge number
of applications where UHPC is better, more
durable, cheaper, easier and faster to
manufacture than steel.
UHPC is corrosion and wear resistant and in a HT Version also high temperature resistant (up
to more than 1000°C).

One example of many from the past years, Rolling bearing systems
A steel mill suffered damage to several rolling bearings in the area of ​​the rolling line (the area where the hot slabs are rolled at high speed and high speed to thinner plates). These rolling bearings are manufactured from a very special casting. The problem was that not enough bearing systems were available. These bearing systems are extremely expensive and have a very long delivery time.
In this case the steel plant would have had to wait more than 4 months. What would mean 4 months, the rolling mill could only be used to 30% of the capacity, a million loss.
By chance, we had heard of this problem in a
meeting for a machine floor renovation. We
looked at the drawings and specifications out
of pure interest. After a short internal
discussion, we made the following proposal
to the plant management:
We can copy the bearing completely made of UHPC. We could mix the UHPC material with graphite balls of a certain quality and size. We could achieve a high compressive strength of the material. We could process it to have similar surface roughness as the original bearing and what was extremely important we were sure to provide such a bearing to the factory in just four weeks.
We have provided the factory with the bearing systems within four weeks at one sixth of the original price. The bearings were in operation for 5 months, by 80% of the production capacity until they could be replaced with the newly made cast bearings. We have saved a lot of money for the plant with our UHPC solution.