Showing posts with label UHPC Phalt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UHPC Phalt. Show all posts

UHPC Phalt a semi-flexible pavement system

UHPC Phalt is a grouted macadam comprising an open graded asphalt that is flooded with high strength microsilica based mortars. The open graded asphalt is mixed to a design mix at a local asphalt plant and delivered to site in tipper trucks. It is placed via traditional paving techniques.
The UHPC Phalt mortars are delivered in 1 tonne bags and mixed via a continuous flow shaftmixer and pump machine. The mortar is mixed for a certain amount of time to achieve correct viscosity then
flooded via a large hose onto the asphalt matrix.

UHPC Phalt can be laid at depths of 30 mm / 1,18 in upwards (typically maximum depth used is 40 mm /1,57 in). UHPC Phalt is the top layer of the pavement that is supported by a basecourse layer. The basecourse layer can vary dependent on environment and loadings, internal or external applications. Preferred basecourse materials to support the UHPC Phalt topping are high modulus macadam basecourse. CBM bases are ideal for use for large internal areas.

Asphalt disadvantages insufficient stability and deformation resistance

- Static point loads
- Trailer supports
- Forklift traffic
- Tracked vehicles
- High-bay warehouse / heavy-duty warehouse
- Ruts, wave formation (bus stops, intersections,    
Open graded Asphalt
- Low wear resistance when using forklift forks,
  loading shovels, roll containers

Advantages of UHPC Phalt

- Very high load carrying capacity
- Frost and dew resistant
- Jointless laying
- Quick installation
- High early strength
- Temperature resistant from - 60°C/-76°F 
UHPC Phalt
   to  +90°C/194°F 
- High wear resistance
- Resistance to aggressive media
- Long service life 
- Good to very good recyclability
- Much faster to lay than standard floor concrete
- Very short curing time
- Substantially cheaper than standard floor concrete

Where is UHPC Phalt used?

- Airports
- Ports
- Lorry marshalling areas
- Service yards
- Acces roads
- Bus stations / depots
- Waste management facilities
- Roads
- Car parks
- Distribution center
- Indoors for warehouse floors
- Anywhere that concrete is conventionally used

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146



UHPC flooring for the most extreme loads

UHPC Phalt and UHPC TopLayer are floor coverings for the toughest environmental, temperature, corrosion, load, wear and tear, extreme loads from special vehicles and their movements and the combination of all these loads.

UHPC Phalt is a semi-flexible overlay, a combination of UHPC mortar and asphalt.
The pavement is laid without joints, similar to an asphalt pavement, using the same machines.



 UHPC TopLayer systems are UHPC grout concrete floor coverings for extreme loads, wear and corrosion. As a special UHPC TopLayer system, we produce high-temperature resistant floor coverings for industry. Which can be subjected to continuous temperatures far above 800°C.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Phalt Truck transport to Spain for a semi-rigid surface course installation

Seven truck loads of UHPC Phalt binder go to Spain for a distribution center.

The customer was quickly convinced of the advantages and benefits of a semi-rigid surface course solution for their distribution center. The hall area is 6400 square meters. The installation of the semi-rigid surface course is carried out by a local road construction company, which also supplies the asphalt. At the customer's request, we also provide the necessary pot mixers for the duration of the installation.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Pavements in Multi-storey car parks impermeable and strong

In multi-storey car parks, paricular attention must be paid
to the following
  • Constant vehicular traffic
  • Chemical attack from oil, petrol and salt
  • Rutting from continual driving along the same routes
  • Braking
  • Wear and tear from concerning traffic
  • Spiked tyres
  • Repeated freeze-thaw cycles

Floors in multi-storey car parks must therefore be able to withstand 
these stresses. Equally important, they must be impereable, preventing 
penetration of fluids or salt.

In designing a multi-storey car park, it is preferable to use a light but strong material to achive the most economical construction possible.

During construction, speed of installation and early trafficking are also important.

The key words for multi-storey car park projects are strength, impermeability and lightness.


UHPC TopLayer R
(with reinforcement)

UHPC TopLayer R is recommended for particularly poor floor surfaces or for floors subject to high traffic loads.
UHPC TopLayer R is a combination of a special fiber-reinforced UHPC concrete and reinforcement mats.

UHPC Phalt

UHPC Phalt is a semi-flexible floor covering consisting of an asphalt supporting structure and UHPC Phalt binder as a filler. This combines the flexibility of asphalt with the strength and resilience of UHPC concrete.

Advantages of UHPC TopLayer and UHPC Phalt
  • Very high bearing capacity
  • Reistant to point loads
  • Very high wear resistance.
  • Minimal requrements for joints
  • Impermeable
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Slip resistance
  • Level and smooth
  • Rapid installation 


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146


UHPC Phalt a semi rigid top layer for all areas of an airport

Our nanotechnology for UHPC binder is now
over 30 years old and has been used in a wide
variety of areas worldwide.

From the beginning, the idea was to create a
material combination that combines the best
material properties of both products in an ideal
and flexible manner.
We call this combination material UHPC-Phalt.

The technique is simply, lay a coarse-grained,
porous, locally produced standard asphalt and fill
the pores with an extremely liquid UHPC concrete.

The result is that a flexible, temperature-resistant, 
high-pressure-resistant and extremely resilient, 
frost and de-icing salt-resistant, long-lasting
runway surface is created.

High axle loads, extreme ambient temperatures,
limited construction time and
constrained budgeting.

Standard laying machines and mixing machines
can be used for processing. Asphalt assembly
companies can easily lay this combination of
such materials

Local asphalt qualities can easily be used for
Fine sand or desert sand can be used for the
UHPC concrete.

Our UHPC binder can be flexibly adapted to
customer requirements. Curing speeds can be
adapted to customer requirements so that the
laying speeds of the laying machines can be
used to the maximum.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

Roman roads and modern roads construction system

Old roman road
A "Römerstrasse / Roman road" runs not far
from our office. As the name suggests, this
road was built by the Romans.
Expert estimates the completion of the road,
approximately 100 km long, in the year
200 AD. This road is about 1820 years old
and is still used as a country road today,
despite a large number of local European wars
and two world wars in these 1820 years. The
structure of this Roman road was never changed,
Roman road structure
the only thing that was "modernized" was an
asphalt layer.

If we look at our "state-of-the-art" roads in
most countries of the world today, it can
easily be said that none of these roads will
last for a century. In many cities, the
pavement lasts less than 10 years and in
some highly developed countries of the
world, the pavement lasts less than a year.
Sad but true.

What was important for these Roman streets?
It was the underground structure and the road
surfaces that have survived these roads for so
long. The Romans already knew concrete, but
not only as a road surface, but also as part of
the underground structure.

Roman road today
As without a proper underground structure and
high quality road surface, modern roads cannot
get better but only worse than the Roman roads.

UHPC road surfaces, whether as UHPC concrete
or as UHPC Phalt surfaces, are extremely resistant
and are far superior to all previous road surfaces,
but they still need a correct, stable substructure.
This quality underground structure is particularly
Modern road structure

important for industrial roads and industrial storage

The interesting thing is that the layer thickness of
a modern, efficient road construction corresponds
in its total layer thickness to that of Roman roads.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146


UHPC design for Gas, Hydrogen and E- loading station

Gas, Hydrogen and E-loading stations should get a UHPC concrete design. Every future energy filling station design should be unique.

We want to get away from the standard unit sheet design. The idea is to create bold, curved, interesting roof structures, possibly greened and provided with solar panels made from our UHPC concrete. 

No armada of petrol pumps, which you will not need in the future,
but a few dispensers in combination with e-charging stations, for cars, trucks, motorcycles and e-bikes. The petrol pumps / charging stations are to get a design from historical to futuristic. In addition to a bar, would be possible, for example, a sports bar or snack bar after American Hard Rock Style or French Bisto. No supermarket where you can
chance to refuel. In addition to the bar, a workshop should be connected for special vehicle types, perhaps historic vehicle types. No mass repair, the vehicle owner may be present during the repair and possibly see from the sports bar howhis vehicle is being repaired.

Our UHPC team will create a gas stationthat is not a fast transit station, but a place to stay and meet, built with the utmost sustainability.

The first specifications are about to be completed, some architects have alreadysent their ideas and the first interested parties and investors have invited us to talks.

The gas station of today, is a dying system, which will not survive. In a very short time, there will be fewer and fewer gasoline powered vehicles in many countries. The new vehicle types will be powered by electricity or hydrogen. The gasoline powered vehicles will then be more and more vehicles, which one will call historical vehicles. These historic vehicles will, as they always do today, have their fans and drive on the streets.

UHPC Helicoper landing pads concstructions

For more than 20 years, UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete has been used as a
floor covering at airports worldwide.

UHPC as a concrete floor covering or in combination with asphalt (UHPC Phalt) are extremely resilient floor coverings for runways, hangars, aprons and warehouses. In terms of their technical properties, they exceed the existing standard coverings several times over, especially with regard to compressive strength, temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

Helicopter landing pads for civil and military helicopter are rarely made from high performance UHPC unless the landing pads are to be created in exceptional locations or under exceptional environmental conditions, such as in extreme altitudes, extreme climatic conditions, offshore platforms, exceptionally low ground structures, civilian and military vessels.

Certain UHPC material combinations have ductile properties which have proven to be
particularly suitable for moving steel
constructions in many industrial sectors.

UHPC in combination with steel constructions can increase the load bearing capacity of the steel constructions while protecting them from all extreme environmental influences.

In addition, our UHPC concrete or UHPC Phalt  has an extremely fast strength development, so that the landing area can be used after a short time.can be laid very quickly and the  and can be used in a very short time.

UHPC - Asphalt Combination for high speed race circuits

Many friends and customers of our UHPC
Ultra High Performance Concrete material have repeatedly asked us in the past why there are streets, lanes, squares, etc. with UHPC Phalt (UHPC Phalt semi-flexible wearing course consist of an open-graded asphalt filled with high strength UHPC mortar) content that are exposed to extreme traffic and environmental conditions but are not race tracks. 

We are big fans of automobile or motorcycle
racing. We are also very confident that we can
develop and deliver extremely good pavement 
systems for high speed racetracks or city courses.
Unfortunately, we have no contact with the
operators, organizers or architects. 

If you think about it, UHPC Phalt is a very
good solution for the strain of the racetracks.
With a standard road asphalt surface, the quality
can only be changed via the quality of the
asphalt. The new thing is that at UHPC Phalt
the quality of the surface can be changed via
the quality of the asphalt and the UHPC. So
there are combinations that standard asphalt
cannot offer. In addition, the expected lifetime without loss of quality of the combination 
covering is several times longer.

The original idea for developing this material
combination was to line roads, runways and
industrial roads with extreme traffic loads and
extreme environmental conditions with an
extremely hard and heavy-duty UHPC-Asphalt
combination. The implementation of this idea
was very successful, as the experiences of the
last 25 years show.

The UHPC Phalt material combination can
be set so that it is extremely abrasion-resistant /
wear-resistant or extremely load-bearing or
extremely resistant to temperature changes. In
city streets, the UHPC Phalt surface does not
lose its properties even after years of continuous traffic.
So there should be enough reasons to use this
surface on high-speed racetracks and street
circuit racetracks.

Technical advantages of UHPC Phalt

- Very high wear resistant
- Very high pressure resistant
- Extreme low material deformation
- Constant temperature resistance
   from - 60°C/-76°F - +90°C/+194°F
- Very simple and fast installation
- Very short curing times
- Can be laid on asphalt concrete or
   similar substrates
- Installation with standard laying
- Cheap material costs
- Extremely long durability
- Very high corrosion resistant
- Variable surface design
- Variable layer thicknesses

New construction and rehabilitation with UHPC concrete in a harbor

Ports are places to be loaded and unloaded permanently around the clock. These are general cargo, bulk goods and liquids.

UHPC concretes can be used for civil constructions and ground or road constructions. The big advantage of UHPC concretes besides the
extremely high strength values and the wear protection is the absolute
sea water resistance and a very high corrosion resistance.
These combinations of UHPC material properties is ideal for the material requirements in a harbor.

New construction and rehabilitation areas in a sea port
 - Jetties
 - Seawalls
 - Container terminals
 - General cargo terminals
 - Breakwater construction
 - Mole and pier construction
 - Wharf and quay construction
 - Ro/Ro terminals
 - Lo/Lo terminals
 - Bulk terminals
 - Refuelling pads
 - Indoor and outdoor storage facilities
 - Ship repair area
 - Tank area
 - Roads
 - Bridges

Benefits of using UHPC for civil construction
  • Extreme high tensile strength
  • Very good flow for casting
  • Self-compacting
  • Extreme high compressive strength
  • High impact resistance and ductility
  • Jointless surface
  • Can applied thin on even the weakest base
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • Fast curing time


Pavements and roads installation in a harbour

The activities in port areas and terminals expose
the pavements to conditions that constantly stress
of wear and tear from traffic by handling equipment.
High point loads from stacked containers and other
cargo. Rutting from continual driving along the
same routes. Impact from loading and discharging
of cargo and containers.

A combination system UHPC Phalt made by
UHPC binder and asphalt is the natural choice to
meet these challenges as it combines the flexible
and joint free asphalt with the excellent bearing
capacity and high wear resistance of concrete. It
provides a safe and efficient cargo handling, and
withstands wear on the handling equipment.

Under extreme mechanical stress, floor coverings
made of UHPC concrete have proven themselves
very well.

Benefit of using UHPC concrete for pavement and road installation
  • High wear resistant
  • High bearing capacity
  • Extreme high resistance to rutting
  • Long service life
  • Impermeable
  • Excellent resistance to thermal movements
  • Joint-free pavement
  • Semi-flexible
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • Swift installation
  • Early trafficking



WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

Airport flooring, pavement and asphalt systems with UHPC

Airport - Flooring and pavement

Semi-flexible pavement combining systems like
UHPC Phalt combining the best properties of
asphalt and UHPC concrete. It is applied as an
asphalt based wearing course that hardens to a
matrix, in which the voids are filed with a UHPC
mortar. In this way, the UHPC Phalt system
combines the flexibility and freedom from
joints of asphalt with the excellent bearing capacity
and high wear resistance of the UHPC Phalt concrete.

Suitable for new build and renovation.

Such semi-flexible pavement 
combining systems are highly suitable for
 - Aprons
 - Push-back areas
 - Apron taxiway
 - Taxi-holding position
 - Refuelling areas
 - De-icing areas
 - Roads
 - Car parking area
 - Hanger area
 - Refuelling areas
Advantages of semi-flexible pavement systems
 - Even surface
 - No cavities
 - No cracks
 - No scaling
 - No large deformations
 - Excellent wear resistance
 - High bearing capacity
 - High thermal shock resistance

 - Service life - Fuel resistant
 - Minimum maintenance time
 - Very short curing time

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

UHPC Flooring systems for the heavy duty industry

For more than 25 years, UHPC TopLayer and 
UHPC Phalt materials have been produced and 
used worldwide in a wide variety of industrial sectors.
We do not see UHPC TopLayer or UHPC Phalt as an 
alternative to normal road or industrial floor coverings, 
UHPC material is used where these normal road 
coverings and pavements meet their load limits.

That can be at
- Extreme temperature stresses
- Very high point / pressure loads
- Very high wear and impact
- Chemical / corrosive attac
- Extreme environmental stress

UHPC TopLayer
UHPC TopLayer is a fiber reinforced UHPC concrete
product with a compressive strength of
125 MPa - 250 MPa or /17400 psi – 36250 psi
after a curing time of 24 hours.
The standard lining thickness is 25 – 50 mm or
1 inch - 2 inch

- Fast development of compressive strength
- High wear and impact resistant
- High compressive strength
- Absolute frost and thaw resistant

- Impermeable to fluids but still vapor permeable
- Anticorrosive features
- Good bonding to sub-bases, aggregates and
- High temperature resistant, in our UHPC HT
   version we can allow max. temperature of 1000°C/ 1830°F
- Jointless lining
- TopLayer surfaces require no sealing for
   industrial applications.
- Fast curing
- Sort repair stops

UHPC TopLayer can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

UHPC Phalt

Is a joint-free semi-rigid top layer. It combines the extremely
high compressive strength of UHPC Phalt mortar
with the flexibility of an asphalt.
UHPC Phalt system is produced by laying an asphalt
support frame with approx. 25 - 30% cavity content,
which is poured with UHPC Phalt binder.

UHPC Phalt can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

- Extremely good combination of strength and flexibility
- Seamless coating for interior and exterior areas
- Compared to standard road and outer linings,
   extremely high load capacity and durability
- Temperature stable from -50°C/-58°F to +90°C/194°F

- High static loads possible
- No dust generation
- High resistance to frost and de-icing salt
- Very good chemical resistance
- Very good wear resistance
- Fast installation
- UHPC Phalt surfaces require no sealing

Mines – Roads
Desert - Roads
Chemical plants – Roads, Safety areas
Refineries – Roads, Safety areas
Roads on the water on dams, jetties and bridges
Specifically, for example, steelworks, vertical
starting jets launch pads, rocket launch pads,
heavy military vehicles, etc

Repair / maintenance
In principle, all concrete floor/pavement coverings
and road surfaces can be repaired in the shortest
possible time by using UHPC TopLayer or
UHPC Phalt.
Asphalt material can be reused as an aggregate for
UHPC TopLayer material or UHPC Phalt material.
Prior to re-use, a processing test should clarify which strength values are achieved by the re-used asphalt material. With UHPC Phalt, it is also possible to fill hollow spaces very well under the asphalt layer, which has been leached out, for example, by high water. UHPC Phalt is extremely fluid and penetrates intoall cavities and cleaves and fills them.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146