UHPC HT and concrete under heavy fire

Again and again we hear of skyscrapers or facade
fires. In the rarest cases the fire is quickly and easily

The longer the fire lasts and the fire temperatures
reach a maximum (about 1000°C/1832°F), the
more problematic it becomes for the steel and
reinforced concrete structures, especially in older
houses that do not have the latest fire protection

Concrete can easily withstand a temperature of
300°C/572°F for a longer time. At a temperature
above 400°C/752°F, the compressive strength of
the concrete decreases. At a temperature above
600°C/1112°F, volume increases occur in reinforced
concrete, which can lead to external flaking or
cracks within the concrete structure.

The time factor is a crucial factor for the stability
of the construction.
Today we try to increase the period of the temperature
penetration of the reinforced concrete construction
by higher concrete coverings.

We developed and produce UHPC HT which has
a temperature resistance over 1000°C/1832°F. So
far, this material has been used especially in the
steel industry, but it is certainly an interesting
material for the construction industry in certain areas.

UHPC HT materials remain stronger in all
temperature ranges than those of standard concretes.

That means no matter what temperature and
burn time, UHPC HT compressive strength
far exceeds that of standard concretes.

This quality of UHPC HT could mean for the
fire fighting, that the danger of a building collapse
is reduced by a multiple.

UHPC HT concretes combine them very well
with highly efficient insolation materials. From
the experience of the steel industry we know
that we can achieve extreme temperature
reductions even in very thin wall thicknesses.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC - The ultimate protective armor

The article was published under the title "smart material" in the journal economist several years ago


We have more than 25 years of experience
in the development, production and application of UHPC Ultra High Performance concrete materials in hundreds of different applications, including in the military sector.

This article is already several years old. The development of UHPC Ultra High
Performance Concrete materials has been advanced since then.

Whereby in this case of application for
military bunker or shelter systems
the UHPC material is important, but also the

intelligent combination with other materials
and finally the installation of this material

With such different UHPC material
combinations, it is possible to dramatically
reduce the impact of a wide variety of
weapon systems.
With UHPC materials it is possible to
produce effective protection systems
in any climatic environments.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

 This is a article which I found in the magazine ECONOMIST about the use of "Smart Concrete" in the militaryrld.

New construction and rehabilitation with UHPC concrete in a harbor

Ports are places to be loaded and unloaded permanently around the clock. These are general cargo, bulk goods and liquids.

UHPC concretes can be used for civil constructions and ground or road constructions. The big advantage of UHPC concretes besides the
extremely high strength values and the wear protection is the absolute
sea water resistance and a very high corrosion resistance.
These combinations of UHPC material properties is ideal for the material requirements in a harbor.

New construction and rehabilitation areas in a sea port
 - Jetties
 - Seawalls
 - Container terminals
 - General cargo terminals
 - Breakwater construction
 - Mole and pier construction
 - Wharf and quay construction
 - Ro/Ro terminals
 - Lo/Lo terminals
 - Bulk terminals
 - Refuelling pads
 - Indoor and outdoor storage facilities
 - Ship repair area
 - Tank area
 - Roads
 - Bridges

Benefits of using UHPC for civil construction
  • Extreme high tensile strength
  • Very good flow for casting
  • Self-compacting
  • Extreme high compressive strength
  • High impact resistance and ductility
  • Jointless surface
  • Can applied thin on even the weakest base
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • Fast curing time


Pavements and roads installation in a harbour

The activities in port areas and terminals expose
the pavements to conditions that constantly stress
of wear and tear from traffic by handling equipment.
High point loads from stacked containers and other
cargo. Rutting from continual driving along the
same routes. Impact from loading and discharging
of cargo and containers.

A combination system UHPC Phalt made by
UHPC binder and asphalt is the natural choice to
meet these challenges as it combines the flexible
and joint free asphalt with the excellent bearing
capacity and high wear resistance of concrete. It
provides a safe and efficient cargo handling, and
withstands wear on the handling equipment.

Under extreme mechanical stress, floor coverings
made of UHPC concrete have proven themselves
very well.

Benefit of using UHPC concrete for pavement and road installation
  • High wear resistant
  • High bearing capacity
  • Extreme high resistance to rutting
  • Long service life
  • Impermeable
  • Excellent resistance to thermal movements
  • Joint-free pavement
  • Semi-flexible
  • Freeze/thaw resistant
  • Swift installation
  • Early trafficking



WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Concrete for process temperatures up to 1200°C / 2192°F

UHPC is a ultra high-strength concrete with
compressive strengths of well over 250 MPa.
We are the only one producers in the world who
offer special UHPC Ultra High Performance
Concrete binders for continuous temperatures
up to 1200°C / 2192°F.
We producing and using such high temperature
solid UHPC materials for more than 25 years.
We produce UHPC HT for processing as
mortar, casting material or as shotcrete. The
processing of UHPC HT masses is almost
identical to that of standard concrete masses.

UHPC HT compounds can be processed in
combination with various high temperature
resistant aggregates or in combination with
insulating materials.
Such a combination system can protect your
production equipment or construction against
extreme heat, wear and corrosion attack.
UHPC HT and a thermal insulation layer can
reduce the layer thickness and the material
weight by more than 50% compared to
refractory concrete. Temper work as with
refractory concrete is not necessary, which in
turn reduces energy costs and installation time.
UHPC HT materials are used in new construction
projects as well as in refurbishment projects
of existing constructions.

When steel constructions are exposed to extreme
temperatures due to fires, they quickly lose their
strength or bearing capacity and dangerous
situations can arise. Construction made of
high-temperature resistant UHPC HT lose only
a small amount of strength and thus load capacity.

Especially in the construction of buildings, the
use of load bearing elements made of high temperature
resistant UHPC HT could increase safety many
times over.
It could give firefighters time to fight the fire
successfully without the danger of building collapse.


Building industry                                                                            
 - Support                                                             
 - Pillar                                                                 
 - Walls                                                                
 - Facades                                                             
 - Persons shelters/rooms                                     
 - Storage rooms for dangerous goods                 
 - Floors
 - Tunnel systems
 - Emergency routes
 - Staircases

 Producing industry
 - Bins for hot products
 - Foundries
 - Cement works
 - Steel works
 - Chemical industry
 - Hot material hopper
 - Bins of dangerous goods
 - Offshore
 - Refinery


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

Airport flooring, pavement and asphalt systems with UHPC

Airport - Flooring and pavement

Semi-flexible pavement combining systems like
UHPC Phalt combining the best properties of
asphalt and UHPC concrete. It is applied as an
asphalt based wearing course that hardens to a
matrix, in which the voids are filed with a UHPC
mortar. In this way, the UHPC Phalt system
combines the flexibility and freedom from
joints of asphalt with the excellent bearing capacity
and high wear resistance of the UHPC Phalt concrete.

Suitable for new build and renovation.

Such semi-flexible pavement 
combining systems are highly suitable for
 - Aprons
 - Push-back areas
 - Apron taxiway
 - Taxi-holding position
 - Refuelling areas
 - De-icing areas
 - Roads
 - Car parking area
 - Hanger area
 - Refuelling areas
Advantages of semi-flexible pavement systems
 - Even surface
 - No cavities
 - No cracks
 - No scaling
 - No large deformations
 - Excellent wear resistance
 - High bearing capacity
 - High thermal shock resistance

 - Service life - Fuel resistant
 - Minimum maintenance time
 - Very short curing time

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

Thermal shock resistant of UHPC material

Container with liquid nitrogen
We wanted to know how good UHPC Ultra
High Performance Concrete is at extreme
fast temperature changes.
We casted ten UHPC concrete plates with a
thickness of 25 mm /1 inch. The plates were
dried for 48 hours at room temperature
(20°C / 68°F).
No reinforcement was used.

The plates were cooled down from about
+20°C/68°F room temperature in a container
with liquid nitrogen (-180°C/-292°F ).
We waited until the plates were completely
cooled. All plates showed no cracking after
removing them from the nitrogen tank.
We immediately heated the plates with a
burner within 5 - 6 minutes to +250°C/482°F.

Even with this alternating load, there were no
cracks visible.
For the test we used a our standard UHPC
Cast material with quarz 1-3 mm sand as

Plate before test
Plate after test

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Concrete Design

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete offers designers
and artists completely new ways of designing. Whether as
pure Binder or in connection with metal, fiber or textile
reinforcement there are no limits to the creative and
constructive imagination.

In addition there is a very simple processing whether as
Mortar, castable or shotcrete. Everyone can process our
UHPC material. We can change the UHPC mortar
material structure depending on the customer's
requirements, whether as a fine clay structure or coarse
clay structure or plaster structure.
Your sculptures or constructions are resistant to even
the most difficult environmental conditions.
UHPC can also be processed under water and is
absolutely waterproof from a layer thickness of 10 mm.

Here, the size of the design pieces plays no essential
role. We have produced designs in sizes from 10 mm
to 5 meters.

The advantage for designers
  • Thin, delicate structures of high strength
  • Large manufactured elements in a cast thin-layer constructions.
  • UHPC can be combined in a new way with almost any material (glass, wood, minerals, metals, plastics, etc.)
  • With UHPC you can achieve very smooth or extremely fine surface structures
  • UHPC is significant more resistant than any standard concretes to chemical attack.

All UHPC material qualities we produce as mortar,
casting and injection molding compound.

Concrete meet aesthetics

Outdoor living area
  • Concrete flower pots
  • Concrete dishes
  • Concrete lamps
  • Outdoor furniture
  • All kind of pool or hot tub designs
  • Garden design elements like rocks, tiles, etc.
Standard concretes has a natural surface with an open-pore
In contrast, UHPC concretes also have a natural surface but
with none pore structure.
Due to their very high material quality, our UHPC products
require only very little or no care.
The life expectancy of design items from our products can
easily be assumed to be 80+ years.

Concrete meets modern lifestyle
  • Concrete counter top in all gemetries and sizes
  • Natur stone cast
  • Colored designed concrete
  • With any kind of wood inlet
  • With any kind and size of glass inlet
  • Black and white veined bathroom tops
  • Natural gray concrete kitchen counter tops
  • Gray veined concrete bath vanity curved integral sink
  • Concrete designed conference table
  • Concrete designed reception desk
  • Concrete designed floors


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Applications for the Offshore Windmill Technology


75% of the capacity installed or under construction offshore is based on the monopile concept UHPC concrete.
Whereby transition pieces are grouted to piles by applying a monopile foundation consists of a steel pile driven into the seabed and a transition piece slid onto or into the pile. After adjustment of the verticality of the transition piece, the space between pile and transition piece is grouted with UHPC concrete which is mixed and pumped through flexible hoses into the annulus.


A Tripile foundation consists of three steel piles driven into the seabed after which a three-legged transition piece structure is slid into the three piles. The overlaps between piles and transition piece are grouted with UHPC concrete.
The UHPC concrete connections evenly distribute the forces from the three-legged transition piece to the piles.


A Tripod support structure/foundation is secured in place by driving three piles into the seabed through a sleeve in each of the three corners.
UHPC concrete is pumped into the annuli between pile and sleeve to ensure a strong and durable connection.


Jacket foundations are secured to the seabed by four piles placed in a sleeve in each corner and driven into the seabed.
A strong, cost-effective connection between pile and jacket substructure is ensured using UHPC concrete.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC for military use

Safeguards whether for civilian or military objects to protect against bombings, terrorist or military attacks are always current.

We distinguish in stationary safeguards such as airfields, messages, data centers, headquarters, supply centers, etc., and mobile systems for protecting people, military equipment we e.g. properties, observation posts, etc. in international use.

Due to their unique properties UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete can hereby assume a large part of these tasks. UHPC concrete can be combined with virtually all materials. From these combinations, we can create unique technically properties.

A little story from the past
Many years ago it was asked if we could cover the floor of a barracks with UHPC, because we would have a "super concrete". The local situation was that due to the movement of the tank tracks, the standard concrete was nearly crushed in a short time and it can always be repaired, which were crushed even faster. So that the floor area holds at least a while, the steel chains of the tanks were exchanged for tank tracks with a hard rubber coating.
The damaged floor area was jointlessly grouted with a UHPC soil material of the hardest grade in a special process. After two days, the tanks could roll again.
After several months, I asked if the commander are now satisfied that they no longer need to change the tank tracks. Surprisingly, the commander was not satisfied. He found out that he has been driving very hard on the new lined area, that causes the tank tracks to wear very quickly because now the ground is harder than the tank tracks. Now he has to go back to the tanktracks with hard rubber.
We were just too good.

  • Extreme high compressive strength 200 – 300 MPa (29000 - 43500 psi)
  • In conjunction with intelligent reinforcement, the strength can be increased many times over.
  • UHPC constructions are able to absorbs heavy blasts
  • UHPC structures with the same wall thicknesses than standard concrete can give 4 times more security
  • UHPC have extremely high early strengths compare to standard concrete
  • UHPC is high temperature resistant, up to 1.200°C/2192°F
  • Seawater resistant
  • Precasted constructions with very high dimensional accuracy
  • Significant improve resistant to penetration from high velocity fragments
  • High wear and corrosion protection 

UHPC protection systems are used as

Firearms protection
 - Guns with differend calibers*
 - Pistols with differend calibers*
   *Ammunition: full metal jacket bullet, hollow piont bullet, expanding bullet, high velocity bullet

Splitter proof wall construction
 - Protection from car bombs in close range, handgranates, small and medium explosions

Floor systems
 - UHPC floor and pavement systems with extreme resistance to mechanical wear of 
   heavy chain vehicles in motion.

Military bunker and shelter system
 - Special UHPC in combination with special aggregates and reinforcement is extreme
   high impact resistant against any bomb attac.

Areas of use


  • Jet shelter
  • Ammunition bunker
  • Runways
  • Air field repair
  • Blast shelter
  • Bunker
  • Air field building protection
  • Special air field installation for vertical starter jets

  • Harbor facilities protection 
  • Ammunition bunker
  • Submarine bunker
  • Dry dock
  • Blast shelter
  • Air field repair
  • Special air field installation for aircraft carriers
  • Bunker


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC perfect construction and filling material for bank vaults and strong rooms

There are still many manufacturers claiming 
their moveable safes are absolutely 
burglar-proof, that's wrong.
Everyone and I mean it really every moveable
safe can be opened with the right tools and 
enough time. There is nothing absolutely safe. 
Depending on the security level of the vault, 
burglars may require a short or a lot of time 
to open the vault and may require special 


The simple safe is usually made of sheet steel.
The steel of the safe construction may have 
different wall thicknesses depending on the 
manufacturer and it can also be used depending 
on the manufacturer not only one sheet but 
several layers of different steel grades.

An increase in safety is a sheet metal wall 
construction that can be filled with standard 
concrete, for example.

A further increase in safety is the backfilling 
of a safe construction in conjunction with a 
special reinforcement, which can vary from 
safe vault to vault manufacturer. Everyone 
has their special technique.

Likewise, the sheet metal construction can be 
filled with pre-casted concrete slabs of varying 
thickness and quality

Large safes such as bank safes are shed locally. 
With this type of vault there is no sheet metal 
construction, here a modern formwork technique 
is used.The wall thicknesses of such constructions 
can be several meters. In this formwork, a very 
complex and special reinforcement system is used.

In addition to the pure mechanical burglary problem
also a security against fire is required.

For high temperatures, suitable thermal insulating 
materials or, in the simplest case, air gaps in the 
wall construction are generally used to protect 
documents, pictures, jewlery, money, etc. in the 
safe construction.

UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete

UHPC cast binders are extremely fine, have 
exceptional flow properties and are self-compacting, 
allowing much more effective reinforcement systems 
to be used compared to standard cement binders.
Our UHPC safety binders achieve compressive 
strengths of 150 - 250 MPa / 22000 - 36000 psi.

Decades of experience in wear and security
technology make our UHPC concrete systems
extremely wear resistant and very resistant to
impact. By mixing in additional aggregates, a
very resistant cast concrete with a 
multitude of burglary-resistant properties can be 

If a very high temperature resistance is required, we 
can withstand with our HT high temperature resistant 
UHPC cast binder system temperatures up to 
1200°C / 2192°F permanently. The strength values of 
the UHPC cast binder are only slightly reduced.

In large safes for banks, for example, UHPC cast 
binder offers not only high safety features, but also 
very good flow and pumping properties. The setting 
temperature of our UHPC cast products is much 
lower than for standard heavy concrete.

UHPC security panels as pre-cast panel elements 
for ATMs, server rooms, security rooms, these 
panels can be produced quickly and with great 
precision. Depending on the required safety standard, 
the panels can withstand mechanical loads or thermal 
loads or a combination of both loads. Here, the 
subsequent installation in existing houses, apartments, 
offices, etc., the mechanical loads, size of the rooms, 
as well as a weight optimization of the room design 
can be considered.

For hurricane, wild fire and flood-proof constructions 
in the interior and exterior, UHPC prefabricated 
elements allow a variety of design variations.

All our UHPC security and protection products are 
designed for private individuals as well as industry, 
military, banks, hospitals, server center, nuclear 
power plants, prison, etc.
WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC Flooring systems for the heavy duty industry

For more than 25 years, UHPC TopLayer and 
UHPC Phalt materials have been produced and 
used worldwide in a wide variety of industrial sectors.
We do not see UHPC TopLayer or UHPC Phalt as an 
alternative to normal road or industrial floor coverings, 
UHPC material is used where these normal road 
coverings and pavements meet their load limits.

That can be at
- Extreme temperature stresses
- Very high point / pressure loads
- Very high wear and impact
- Chemical / corrosive attac
- Extreme environmental stress

UHPC TopLayer
UHPC TopLayer is a fiber reinforced UHPC concrete
product with a compressive strength of
125 MPa - 250 MPa or /17400 psi – 36250 psi
after a curing time of 24 hours.
The standard lining thickness is 25 – 50 mm or
1 inch - 2 inch

- Fast development of compressive strength
- High wear and impact resistant
- High compressive strength
- Absolute frost and thaw resistant

- Impermeable to fluids but still vapor permeable
- Anticorrosive features
- Good bonding to sub-bases, aggregates and
- High temperature resistant, in our UHPC HT
   version we can allow max. temperature of 1000°C/ 1830°F
- Jointless lining
- TopLayer surfaces require no sealing for
   industrial applications.
- Fast curing
- Sort repair stops

UHPC TopLayer can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

UHPC Phalt

Is a joint-free semi-rigid top layer. It combines the extremely
high compressive strength of UHPC Phalt mortar
with the flexibility of an asphalt.
UHPC Phalt system is produced by laying an asphalt
support frame with approx. 25 - 30% cavity content,
which is poured with UHPC Phalt binder.

UHPC Phalt can be processed and installed with standard road construction processing machines.

- Extremely good combination of strength and flexibility
- Seamless coating for interior and exterior areas
- Compared to standard road and outer linings,
   extremely high load capacity and durability
- Temperature stable from -50°C/-58°F to +90°C/194°F

- High static loads possible
- No dust generation
- High resistance to frost and de-icing salt
- Very good chemical resistance
- Very good wear resistance
- Fast installation
- UHPC Phalt surfaces require no sealing

Mines – Roads
Desert - Roads
Chemical plants – Roads, Safety areas
Refineries – Roads, Safety areas
Roads on the water on dams, jetties and bridges
Specifically, for example, steelworks, vertical
starting jets launch pads, rocket launch pads,
heavy military vehicles, etc

Repair / maintenance
In principle, all concrete floor/pavement coverings
and road surfaces can be repaired in the shortest
possible time by using UHPC TopLayer or
UHPC Phalt.
Asphalt material can be reused as an aggregate for
UHPC TopLayer material or UHPC Phalt material.
Prior to re-use, a processing test should clarify which strength values are achieved by the re-used asphalt material. With UHPC Phalt, it is also possible to fill hollow spaces very well under the asphalt layer, which has been leached out, for example, by high water. UHPC Phalt is extremely fluid and penetrates intoall cavities and cleaves and fills them.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

UHPC concrete as structural construction and corrosion protection material in Offshore projects

UHPC concrete is through its properties, such as
high E-modulus, high strength, and low
permeability excellent for rehabilitation,
protection and strengthening of offshore structures.

The splash zone is without doubt one of the more
aggressive environment for wood, concrete and/or
steel. Here you have the movement of the water
inducing wear on the structures, high level of
 oxygen inducing a perfect corrosive environment.
In salt water chlorides are present all over but
combined with good access of oxygenthis zone is
where the problem is.
 In icy regions ice sliding by
a structure will tear and wear the structure. UHPC
is here an ideal protection layer.

Splash zone protection is in general made on pillars
standing in water, and is made by creating a mold
around the pillar and cast the UHPC into the
When the UHPC has set the mold can be removed.

In case of wood pillars wood will usually rot over
time, leading to insufficient load bearing capacity of
the pillars. A mold can be placed around the pillar
and a UHPC pillar is created by casting.

Oil and gas platforms

When oil is pumped out of the ground the buttom
of the ocean will sink, which means that the
platform itself will sink slowly. As the ocean will
cover more and more of the legs of the platform
the wave forces influencing the platform will
increase over time. Eventually the strength of the
platform is not high enough to sustain heavy
 The strengthening of the platform is done
by filling the legs or part thereof with UHPC. This
will stiffen the structure and increase the strength
of this. By special engineering it is possible only
to fill part of legs, ie areas of the connections of
the steel.

Harbour fronts

Harbour fronts, piers and jetties are usually
subjected to splash zone issues a long with the
occasional impact by ships.
Splash zone issues being hammered with ice
and debris and of course the corrosion from salt,
water and oxygen.
 UHPC has the necessary
strength and impact resistance to withstand these
forces and the impermeability of the UHPC
prevents chlorides, water and oxygen in
penetration the protection layer which makes
corrosion impossible.


WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com