Showing posts with label Thermal shock test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thermal shock test. Show all posts

Thermal shock resistant of UHPC material

Container with liquid nitrogen
We wanted to know how good UHPC Ultra
High Performance Concrete is at extreme
fast temperature changes.
We casted ten UHPC concrete plates with a
thickness of 25 mm /1 inch. The plates were
dried for 48 hours at room temperature
(20°C / 68°F).
No reinforcement was used.

The plates were cooled down from about
+20°C/68°F room temperature in a container
with liquid nitrogen (-180°C/-292°F ).
We waited until the plates were completely
cooled. All plates showed no cracking after
removing them from the nitrogen tank.
We immediately heated the plates with a
burner within 5 - 6 minutes to +250°C/482°F.

Even with this alternating load, there were no
cracks visible.
For the test we used a our standard UHPC
Cast material with quarz 1-3 mm sand as

Plate before test
Plate after test

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146