Wear Protection with UHPC wear protection concrete

UHPC is a high wear resistant ultra dense ceramic concrete (Ultra High Performance Concrete). It is a material mix of cement binder, microsilica, superplastiziser and ceramic aggregates (Quarz, Bauxite, Corundum, Silicon carbide).
The combination of high compressive strength, high dense particle packing and extrem hard aggregate, create a flexible and simple to install wear resistant material.

UHPC material can install in any thickness it is needed. It is a jointless lining and over-head-installation is not a problem.
It is produced in a mortar and in a castable material version.
No special underground treatment is required. Steel or concrete surface should be free of loose particles and free of oils and fats. For the installation of such wear protection system it is necessary to install a anchor system. As a standard we recommend follow anchor/reinforcement system:
a) Rhombic wire mesh
b) Honey- or Hexagon mesh

Two UHPC binder versions are produced, one for process 
temperature of max. 450°C/840°F (normal material quality) and 
one for high process temperature of max. 1.200°C/2190°F (high temperature quality)

  • High wear resistant
  • Good impact resistant
  • Extreme high compressive strength
  • Good corrosion resistant
  • Flexible in layer thickness
  • Overhead installation is possible
  • Thermo shock resistant
  • Jointless lining
  • Very short curing time

UHPC as a wear protection system has been used worldwide for more than 25 years in cement plants, steel plants, coal fired power plant and mines.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com

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