UHPC concrete and residential housing construction - infinitely new possibilities

HPC and UHPC materials open up completely new worlds for architects, designers construction companies.

What is the difference between UHPC and standard concrete or natural stone?

The material  

HPC and UHPC binder systems are based on a very low cement content. All HPC and UHPC materials
are fully recyclable and have a service life of 100+ years. It is possible to mix HPC and UHPC binder systems with recycled aggregate. With HPC and UHPC binder systems, up to 50% construction material including reinforcement can be saved due to the high strength values.

The processing
HPC and UHPC materials can be easily processed as mortar, castable or Shotcrete material. The w/c ratio for our HPC and UHPC materials is between 0.22 and 0.17. There are no additives necessary. Pre-cast elements of all sizes and geometries can be produced in exactly the same way as large quantities of elements.

The design
HPC and UHPC surfaces and structures can be made extremely fine. This makes it possible to replicate almost all surfaces that occur in nature exactly. Whether in large or extremely fine size. HPC and UHPC can be combined with all kind of minerals, metals, plastics, pigments, woods, glasses, etc.

The resistance
HPC and UHPC is absolutely waterproof after just less than a 1/2 inch of layer thickness. HPC and UHPC is extremely corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant and easily resists all kind of animal attacks.

The properties

HPC and UHPC has a much higher compressive strength than very good concrete qualities. HPC and UHPC is very flowable and self-compacting in its casting version. HPC and UHPC concrete achieves its maximum strength within less than 48 hours.

The heat resistance
HPC and UHPC in its standard version can withstand temperatures up to 450°C/842°F permanently.
UHPC in its high temperature version can withstand temperatures up to over 1000°C/1832°F permanently. A normal fire, wildfire and bushfire even over a longer period of time can not damage a UHPC construction.

The facade
Vertical and horizontal gardens can be created with HPC and UHPC facades and roof structures. The HPC and UHPC specially produced for these applications is very light, is rot-resistant, waterproof, and plant roots cannot penetrate it. It can be laid seamlessly on a flat roof. For vertical (facade) gardens, combination constructions according to the design of architects or garden designers can easily be made in any size.

The insulation
UHPC can be combined with a variety of modern high performance insulation materials. With these
combinations, it is possible even at extreme outdoor temperatures without great expenditure of
energy to achieve pleasant internal temperatures easily. UHPC in this combination is extremely high energy efficient. 


The lightweight HPC and UHPC binder
We have developed lightweight HPC and UHPC mortars, castable and sprayable concretes that offer up to 50% weight savings compared to standard concrete.

The security

UHPC in a certain combination of materials is extremely well burglary resistant.

 Areas where UHPC offers great advantages

  • Pool decks

  • Curbs

  • Steps

  • Wall 

  • Concrete ramps

  • Swale

  • Drive ways

  • Footings, foundation, slabs

  • Pads, additions, floors



  1. I live in california and we had some problems with big fires last year. You also write about fire resistance in your article. I would like to know more. Is it really like a house from this UHPC concrete would survive a fire like we had here?

    1. Yes, a standard concrete house would resist a short-term fire. A house made of high-temperature UHPC would fire with a temperature of 1200°C / 2190°F for a very long time without damage survive. The house construction is thus protected against fire from the outside. But there must be another problem solved and these are openings such as windows and doors. Even in the case of short-term fires, the window glass is thrown or the window frame melts, the same applies to doors made of wood or plastic and the fire can penetrate the house.
      We have already made lightweight and thin UHPC doors for some customers that are virtually indistinguishable from standard or designer doors. Likewise, we have already made tight closing window blinds made of UHPC concrete. The window blinds are also very lightly constructed. We work with the doors and the window blinds with several designers, also in the US together.

    2. UHPC under fire will explode (see Spalling) if not properly added with PP fibers.

    3. This statement applies to standard concrete qualities but not to high-temperature resistant UHPC HT. For the production of UHPC HT material qualities, we use, among other things, a very special alumina cement. UHPC HT is permanently temperature-resistant up to 1200 ° C without chipping.

  2. It is interesting to see what the architects think of in terms of modern design but there must also be solutions and design for existing and new homes. I find your solutions for our housing problems interesting. I hope that more and more local construction companies will be interested in your UHPC materials as well.
