UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete is a material with immense possibilities. WPE DK International has more than 30 years experience in the development, production and industrial applications of UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete materials. We produce UHPC Mortar, UHPC Castable, UHPC Shotcrete, UHPC Offshore, UHPC Security, UHPC TopLayer und UHPC Wear Protection
À l'avenir, de plus en plus de personnes vivront sur des îles artificielles.
Les constructions en bois actuelles des habitants des deltas côtiers et fluviaux ne suffiront plus.
L'augmentation du niveau de la mer et les inondations sont la conséquence du changement climatique.
De nouveaux plans de construction élaborés par des architectes et de nouveaux matériaux de constructionpeuvent aider les habitants des côtes. De même, les constructions en bois existantes peuvent être rendues plus stables dans la mesure du possible.
Les systèmes de liants HPC et UHPC sont capables d'utiliser des matières premières locales telles que le bambou, les fibres de coco, les fibres de jute, les coquilles de moules, le sable du désert, le lawa, le granit, etc. comme agrégats ou armatures. Tout ce qui est construit en béton HPC et UHPC avec de tels agrégats est durable et peut être facilement réutilisé.
Le béton HPC et UHPC est idéal comme matériau de construction pour les réparations et les nouvelles constructions. Les matériaux HPC et
UHPC peuvent augmenter extrêmement la stabilité et la durée de vie des constructions en bois, tant au-dessus qu'en dessous de l'eau, et créer une protection contre la corrosion pour les constructions en acier.
Des îles artificielles sur pilotis sur la côte ou des îles flottantes en haute mer offrent de nombreuses possibilités.Les îles en haute mer offrent des solutions à toutes les échelles. Les îles peuvent être entièrement constituées de béton UHPC. Le béton UHPC est absolument résistant à l'eau de mer et possède une énorme résistance. Des villes entières pourraient être construites sur de telles plates-formes. Les premières ébauches architecturales de grands bureaux d'architectes internationaux existent depuis longtemps. Les plates-formes pétrolières désaffectées pourraient également être revalorisées et servir de point de départ à de telles grandes plates-formes artificielles.
Depuis plus de 30 ans, le béton HPC et UHPC est utilisé dans l'industrie offshore internationale comme matériau pour les nouvelles constructions ou les réparations. On estime que les nouvelles constructions en UHPC ont une durée de vie de plusieurs centaines d'années.
Constructions .
Il est également prévu de construire des récifs et des protections de berges artificiels et naturels avec du HPC et de l'UHPC, les protections de berges s'adaptant à la nature dans leur conception et n'étant pas de vilains blocs de béton. Les matériaux HPC et UHPC sont bien supérieurs à l'acier dans de nombreux domaines de l'industrie offshore. Il existe déjà des premiers projets d'ouvrages sous-marins en UHPC dans les eaux profondes.
WPE DK International
Téléphone : 0049 176 601 73146
Courrier électronique : info@wpe-dk.dk
Page d'accueil : www.wpe-dk.com
Applications du béton UHPC dans l'architecture actuelle
ciment permettant d'obtenir une résistance à la compression de plus de 100 MPa. L'une des raisons de cette recherche était de fabriquer un matériau de construction haute performance pour l'architecture du futur. Un matériau qui offre des possibilités de conception/construction sans précédent dans l'architecture.
Le résultat a été un système de liant permettant de produire des résistances à la compression de 80 MPa à 300 MPa. La désignation du matériau UHPC est à notre avis quelque peu trompeuse, mais elle est aujourd'hui considérée comme la désignation standard pour ce type de système de liant. Le liant UHPC Ultra High Performance Concrete de haute qualité se compose entre autres de trois composants principaux : le ciment, les microsilices et le superplastifiant. Ces composants sont mélangés pour former un liant. Le rapport E/C de tous nos systèmes de liants UHPC est inférieur à 0,2. Il y a 25 ans, nous avons commencé à produire nos liants haute performance, d'abord sous forme de coulis, puis de mortier et, peu après, de coulis projeté.
Le béton UHPC a été utilisé dans de nombreux domaines dans le monde entier, mais très peu dans le domaine pour lequel il a été créé, l'architecture. Aujourd'hui, après tous les développements dans le domaine du béton UHPC, les liants UHPC ne devraient pas être considérés comme des concurrents des bétons standard et de leurs domaines d'application. Les liants UHPC trouvent leur application là où le béton standard est à la limite de ses possibilités techniques et c'est là que commencent les possibilités techniques de l'UHPC.
À notre avis, le BPEH est le futur concurrent de l'acier. On construit déjà aujourd'hui des structures et des systèmes de soutien en UHPC dont les dimensions sont très proches de celles d'une construction en acier.
Grâce à des résistances à la compression allant jusqu'à 260 MPa, nous pouvons réaliser des constructions extrêmement solides.
Étant donné que des résistances à la compression largement supérieures à 100 MPa ne peuvent être obtenues qu'avec un liant UHPC et du sable de granulométrie 0-3 mm, les systèmes d'armature peuvent également être repensés. Les gros grains de gravier ne sont plus nécessaires. En raison de l'absence de porosité, l'UHPC est extrêmement résistant à presque toutes les influences environnementales de nature corrosive.
En raison de l'extrême finesse du matériau (nanotechnologie) UHPC, des structures de surface extrêmement fines et des tolérances de fabrication très faibles sont possibles, par exemple lors de la production d'éléments de façade.
Recycling und Wiederverwendung von alten Baumaterial mit Hilfe von UHPC Bindersysteme
Alte Häuser, teilweise historische Häuser,
werden in unserer schnelllebigen Zeit
brutal abgerissen, um Platz für neue,
modernere, größere, höhere und oft nicht
schönere aber effektivere neue
Gebäudekontruktionen zu schaffen. Dabei
bleibt sehr oft keine Zeit und oft ist auch
der Wille nicht da, das noch wertvolle
und wiederverwendbare alte Baumaterial
zu sichern.
Das Ende von einem alten Gebäude ist ein
Schottermaterial eignet für den Straßenbau.
Dabei könnten sich gerade Architekten
für die Wiederverwendung solcher
Materialien einsetzen. Es wäre durchaus
möglich diese alten Werkstoffe in moderen
Designkonzeptionen wieder einzusetzen
und einiges an wertvollen Rohstoffen
In nächsten Jahr werden wir einige Versuche
starten, UHPC mit einer Vielzahl alter,
gebrauchter Werkstoffe zu kombinieren.
Wir sind sehr sicher, das dass problemlos
möglich ist, sowohl in statischer und als
auch konstruktiver Hinsicht. Wir können
natürlich mit UHPC alte Werkstoffe in
Aussehen und Design extrem genau
kopieren, in manchen Fällen ist das
sicherlich sinnvoll und notwendig.
Wir wollen aber alte Werkstoffe wieder-
verwenden und einer neuen gestalterischen
Funktion übergeben. Selbst Bauschutt
könnte in Kombination mit UHPC zu
einem sehr interessanten Betonwerkstoff
Auch wollen wir den Architekten und
Designer neue gestalterische Kombinations-
möglichkeiten mit alten und hochmoderen
Werkstoffen anbieten.
UHPC Floating platforms
On the one hand, there is resistance to salt water. Steel is very difficult to protect against corrosion and even then the construction still has to be serviced regularly and very time-consuming and expensive. Floating structures should have a lifespan of at least 100+ years in the future.
With normal concrete structures the problems are similar, if not more serious. Once extremely corrosive seawater has penetrated the steel reinforcement unnoticed, the repair effort is enormous. In addition, for this very reason, the construction must be extremely thick-walled. An anti-corrosion coating makes the entire construction additionally expensive and here too the entire construction must be checked regularly in short periods of time.
Special UHPC concretes have extremely high strength values compared to normal concretes, they are waterproof after a wall thickness of a few millimeters and are absolutely salt water resistant. Some of our UHPC binders are also extremely temperature-resistant (up to max. 1200°C) and they are very good wear-resistant (resistant to wear and tear caused by moving ice floes). Due to the high strength values, structural elements can be optimized or minimized in terms of size and weight.
UHPC concrete will be the much cheaper material for the required service life.
As developers and producers of high-quality UHPC binder materials, we want to focus on three future projects:
1st project
Floating work platforms for energy generation and storage.
the major offshore wind farm operators worldwide are currently planning
not only to generate energy with wind turbines, but also to use this
energy to produce hydrogen on site in the wind farm. Solar systems on
the platforms should contribute to additional energy generation. The
platforms can be manufactured in several standard segments and connected
to form a network at sea. These platforms can be made from very
lightweight UHPC. This UHPC material can be self-floating.
2nd project
Floating living and working platforms, artificial islands for the coastal area and for the open sea. Platforms
for residential buildings, hotels, schools, hospitals, office buildings and production facilities.
Please see the corresponding article below.
WPE DK International
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: ber@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
Neue Generation preiswerter HPC - und UHPC - Bindersysteme
Seit mehr als 25 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Verarbeitung von HPC
UHPC Bindersystemen. Seitdem arbeiten wir immer mit denselben
zuverlässigen Rohstofflieferanten zusammen. Diese langjährige
Zusammenarbeit garantiert Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Verfügbarkeit.
konnten wir die Preise für unsere HPC und UHPC-Binder seit 2020
unverändert halten. Unser neues UHPC-Betonlabor, das seit Anfang dieses
Jahres aktiv ist, hat einige HPC und UHPC Bindersysteme überarbeitet.
Diese neuen Versionen betreffen insbesondere die Qualitäten C80 bis C140
als faserverstärkter Mörtel, Gießbeton und Spritzbeton. Diese
Qualitäten werden wir ab Juni dieses Jahres zu einem reduzierten Preis
anbieten können.
Möchten Sie mehr über unsere HPC- oder
UHPC-Bindemittelsysteme erfahren oder einfach einen Preis für Ihr
aktuelles Projekt erhalten?
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
Herstellung von UHPC Combat Binder und Beton unter Kriegsbedingungen
Seit mehr als zwei Jahren steigt die Nachfrage nach HPC und UHPC Binder für militärische Anwendungen für uns extrem an. Wie schon berichtet haben wir einige hundert Tonnen spezial HPC und UHPC Binder für Testzwecke produziert und ausgeliefert. Für diese Testzwecke wurden Spezialmischungen gemäß den Kundenanforderungen entwickelt und produziert. Die Materialvortest wurden hier in Deutschland ausgeführt. Die militärischen Belastungstest werden in dem jeweiligen Kundenland durchgeführt.
Ein sogenannten Spezial UHPC Combat Beton in Friedenszeiten unter kontrollierten Bedingungen herzustellen ist eine Sache, solche Betone unter Kriegsbedigungen herzustellen ist eine andere.
Aus diesem Grund haben wir parallel zu der Binderentwicklung auch eine Produktions- und Mischersystementwicklung begonnen.
Die technischen Anforderungen an solchen System sind sehr lang und sehr aufwendig.
Hier nur ein kleiner Auszug aus einer Forderungsliste.
Forderung Anlage
- Die Anlage muß einfach transportabel sein
- Die Anlage muß robust sein
- Die Anlage muß über ein unabhängiges Energiesystem verfügen
- Die Anlage muß einfach zu bedienen sein
- Die Anlage muß unter extremer Kälte, Hitze und Feuchtigkeit arbeiten können
- Die Anlage sollte in kombinierbare Module unterteilt sein
- Die Anlage sollte Binder und Beton herstellen können
Forderung Binder
- Der Binder soll bestimmte technische Mindestwerte erfüllen können
- Der Binder soll möglichst vollständig mit lokalen Rohstoffen hergestellt werden
- Der Beton sollte mit lokalen Aggregaten hergestellt werden
- Es sollen Binderversionen als Mörtel, castable, pumpbar und spritzbar herstellbar sein
- Es sollen keine zusätzlichen Additive notwendig sein
- Es sollte mit extrem wenig Anmachwasser gearbeitet werden
- Es sollte der Beton unter Wasser verarbeitbar sein
- Es sollten die unterschiedlichsten Aggregate von zerstörten Gebäuden, Sande, Erden, Kunststoffe, Metalle usw. einsetzbar sein. Der Aufarbeitungsgrad sollte möglichst gering sein
Die HPC und UHPC Binderproduktion- und Betonmischanlage wird uns bald als Basis Prototypeanlage zu Testzwecken zur Verfügung stehen. Einzelteile werden schon seit mehrere Jahrzehnten von uns eingesetzt. Später werden dann noch mehrere Ausbaustufen unseren Kunden zur Verfügung stehen.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
HPC and UHPC information documents and sample supplies
It seems that there is still a misconception that HPC and UHPC can be compared to DIN concrete. A lot of what is called new development in the standard concrete sector today, we have already developed 20 years ago with UHPC, only at that time the architects and the building industry were not interested.
The so-called R-concrete or recycled concrete had already existed with a UHPC binder for 20 years. With a special UHPC binder, it is possible to process a gigantic number of different solids and still achieve a strength that in many cases far exceeds that of standard concrete.
We have had an extremely refractory UHPC concrete that can withstand continuous temperatures up to 1200°C for 20 years. We combine UHPC binders with asphalt to achieve much more resistant pavements.
We can easily combine HPC and UHPC binders with natural fibres and materials in a way that is impossible with standard concrete. We can use UHPC binders to process fine materials such as dust or natural desert sand into concrete that meets the highest standard concrete strengths. Our UHPC strength values allow for much slimmer construction than is possible with standard concrete.
Due to the non-existent porosity in our HPC and UHPC binders, these concretes are extremely corrosion resistant, making them an ideal material for floating structures. This type of UHPC concrete has been used in the offshore industry for 20 years. Underwater foundations and structures can easily be built with UHPC. Tests have shown that UHPC structures can withstand water pressure from sea depths up to 3500 m without damage. We had these tests carried out more than 10 years ago.
We can make concrete structures with special UHPC binder that can be bent. There has been a UHPC lightweight concrete for more than 10 years that can be used as mortar, castable and spray. Nearly 20 years ago, a UHPC binder was developed for the navy that floats. For more than 20 years we have been producing UHPC binders that are close to diamond in wear resistance.
As our HPC and UHPC concrete are waterproof, fire resistant and high strength, they can be used for disaster control constructions. HPC and UHPC can withstand all environmental conditions.
Some of our HPC and UHPC binders are used in interior applications.
The nano-fineness of the HPC and UHPC binders allows extreme textures and finenesses to be achieved that surpass even the fineness in metalworking. Designers involved in concrete design do not even use 10% of the possibilities of UHPC Binder.
HPC and UHPC binders are the ideal materials to support traditional African and Asian construction as they combine well with local raw materials.
The security industry and the military of many countries have been aware of the enormous possibilities for a few years now. But even here, very specific tests show that the actual security and military possibilities are far from being exploited because of the traditional standard concrete way of thinking. The new UHPC safety room and bunker technology is in great demand, especially in Europe.
Even in the mechanical engineering industry, our UHPC materials have been used for 25 years. Producing industries such as cement works, mines, steel works, foundries, refineries, chemical works, power plants, bioenergy producers, etc. are among our long-standing customers.
We draw our knowledge and experience from, as you can see, a wide variety of international markets.
However, after more than 30 years, there are still markets or industrial sectors that are new and exciting for us. We have not yet reached the end of our development.
If a customer were to request a catalogue of our technology and its application, it would be several hundred pages thick. It would be more like a book than a catalogue. Such a book would be very expensive because of the possibly small print run.
This is why we have a rough draft of such a book in our drawer but have not yet realised it. The rough draft already had more than 300 pages. If enough people are interested, we will realise the book project. Write to us and we will inform you about the state of realisation.
As far as the samples of HPC and UHPC applications are concerned, it looks similar to the flyer. As you have hopefully noticed, we have so many possible applications, designs that we are not able to offer you a sample of all HPC and UHPC possibilities. If you provide us with the most accurate specification of the HPC or UHPC you require, we will have this material manufactured in our laboratory in the form you specify. If you have problems with the specification, we will gladly provide you with a questionnaire that can certainly help you to specify your desired material exactly. Send us a short message with your contact details and we will send you the questionnaire as soon as possible.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
Special technical sales training sessions for HPC and UHPC markets and related products
These very specific training sessions focus entirely on the local market of our participants and the related HPC and UHPC materials. For this reason, only one country is admitted per training session. There are still training sessions booked this year by companies from Poland, Switzerland, Italy and South Korea. We do not charge our clients for the training. Therefore, only travel costs are incurred for our customers.
The joint preparation for the training usually takes about 4 weeks.
In the coming year, our new mobile training unit for practical processing training will start its service and can be booked by our customers worldwide. Here, all types of mixing and processing with all HPC and UHPC can be carried out practically.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC Concrete for windturbine floating systems
UHPC Ultra High Performance concrete has over twenty years of experience in the offshore industry. It is used as a construction material and as a corrosion protection material.
For floating windturbine constructions, UHPC offers
many advantages over steel constructions and
concrete constructions.
UHPC is absolutely seawater resistant and does not corrode. Most of the extremely expensive and maintenance-intensive corrosion protection systems are no longer necessary.
UHPC achieves extremely high strength values (max.240 MPa / 34800 psi) even without steel, fiber or ceramic reinforcement.
UHPC can be used as a cast material, spray material and as a mortar material.
UHPC reaches approx. 70% of its maximum nomina strength after 48 hours.
UHPC is self-compacting in casting. During casting,
UHPC develops significantly less heat than standard concrete. Problems like corrosion in weld seams do not exist with UHPC.
A corrosion protection coating of the UHPC construction is not necessary.
Due to the high strength values, the entire construction can be optimized for the required wall thickness and thus weight. There is also the option of using low weight UHPC. These UHPC are half the density of our standard construction UHPC. There is also a UHPC that swims with a density below 1. UHPC concrete can be manufactured and mixed locally on site. Costly transports can be omitted. For assembly stations in Arab, African and Indian countries, we could offer a binder that can be manufactured and mixed with desert sand. This would eliminate the need for additional, costly transports.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC Spray Projects in a Northern European Ore Mine
The installation was to take place on site at the ore mine. A UHPC wear protection layer of 25 mm was to be installed. The time frame for the installation was very tight due to the mine. For this reason, a UHPC spray installation was chosen. UHPC spray wear protection is sprayed on using a wet process. This has the very great advantage of a controlled and uniform material quality. Since UHPC spray only produces a maximum rebound of less than 2%, there was also no material loss during the spray installation.
Our customer first sprayed half the circumference of the cyclone parts on site and then the other circumference of the cyclone parts. Due to the ambient temperatures, the lined parts could be transported and installed without any problems after 48 hours. directly after installation, this part of the plant could go into operation.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC Liquid-tight constructions
In the past, industries such as refineries, seawater desalination plants, sewage treatment plants,
hydroelectric power plants, offshore industries, etc. were particularly interested. There is a huge range of sealing systems for concrete structures. Most systems are expensive, complex to install and do not have the same life expectancy as you would expect from the structure. So the sealants have to be applied several times, which in turn leads to problems and enormous
costs. For a few years now, there has been an increasing demand for coastal protection and especially flood protection structures that have to withstand the constant attack of moving seawater caused by high and low tides, but also by enormous wave movements.
One solution is concrete structures made of HPC or UHPC concrete. Here, waterproofing can already be achieved with a wall thickness of 10 - 15 mm. This concrete layer can be subsequently applied to any substrate in industry as well as in residential buildings. This is also possible in countries with predominantly natural material constructions.
If the ground floor is completely built of HPC or UHPC or provided with a protective layer, no flood water, which is usually also dirty water, can penetrate into the building structure.
After the floodwater has disappeared, the walls and floor can be cleaned with locally available cleaning machines such as high-pressure water jets, after which this area is immediately habitable again.
In industry, a UHPC layer can completely prevent or hold back breakthroughs for a very long time in the event of liquid attack from the outside, i.e. from floodwater masses, or from the inside in the event of ruptures or leaks in liquid tanks.
Sewage treatment plants can be constructed directly from HPC or UHPC, or they can be retrofitted after prior inspection of the building structure. The same applies to biotank systems for the production of biogas.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC Wear Protection lined pipe components produced in Vietnam
company, will offer UHPC wear protection lined pipeline segments in all sizes and geometries. Peter and the steel construction company have many years of experience in the production of piping elements for hydraulic and pneumatic conveying. These pipeline components have been used in power plants, steel mills, cement works and mines for decades.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC silicon carbide custom-made burner elements for an ALSTOM coal-fired power plant project
for a coal-fired power station. Due to the coal composition, the specially required flow conveyance and the very high temperatures, our customer had specified silicon carbide as the wear protection material. After we had calculated the costs of the material and the production, the responsible project managers at ALSTOM almost had a heart attack. The costs were very far over the planned budget and the delivery time for the custom-made silicon carbide elements was almost three times as long as ALSTOM had planned.
We then offered ALSTOM a lining with a silicon carbide UHPC wear-resistant concrete as an alternative. The material costs were reduced by more than 50% and the delivery time of the elements manufactured by us was reduced by more than 70% compared to the elements made of silicon carbide ceramics. As we had already supplied many UHPC linings for ALSTOM over the past decades, the project managers had complete confidence in our proposed solution.
The production of the burner elements was carried out according to our time schedule and the elements
have fulfilled their purpose until today.
In the meantime, other burner suppliers for coal-fired power plants have also successfully used this solution worldwide.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
Our UHPC laboratory is visited by an old friend, who will take over the representation for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Vietnam in the future.
father and son, Finn Severin Jensen and Peter Severin Jensen. We all worked for the same company years ago. Finn and Peter were the best supervisors we had. They have worked as supervisors for UHPC installation in almost every country in the world. There is hardly anyone who knows the practice of UHPC installation in different conditions as well as these two.
Peter will be our representative for all our HPC and UHPC products for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Vietnam.
Peter is also planning to start a pipe section production including a wear lining in Vietnam in the next few months.
We are looking forward to a successful future together.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
UHPC flooring for the most extreme loads
UHPC Phalt and UHPC TopLayer are floor coverings for the toughest environmental, temperature, corrosion, load, wear and tear, extreme loads from special vehicles and their movements and the combination of all these loads.
UHPC Phalt is a semi-flexible overlay, a combination of UHPC mortar and asphalt.
The pavement is laid without joints, similar to an asphalt pavement, using the same machines.
UHPC TopLayer systems are UHPC grout concrete floor coverings for extreme loads, wear and corrosion. As a special UHPC TopLayer system, we produce high-temperature resistant floor coverings for industry. Which can be subjected to continuous temperatures far above 800°C.
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: info@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com
What is hard concrete - and what is UHPC hard concrete flooring systems
Flooring systems
Hard concrete
Hard concrete is generally described by its manufacturers as a cementitious, highly durable and wear-resistant floor covering. It is laid in a bond to the substructure. An average layer thickness of 25 mm can be given.
The wear resistance has its limits where the floor is no longer grindable. In many countries, grinding of floor coverings is standard practice.
The characteristics of hard concrete are
- Highly resilient
- Scratch and wear resistant
- Liquid-tight
- Indestructible floor covering
- Design and showroom flooring
Areas of application
- Warehouses used by vehicles with rubber tyres
- Access ramps used by rubber-tyred vehicles
- Exhibition and show room flooring
UHPC hard concrete
UHPC high performance concrete or as we call it UHPC TopLayer is a mixture of special UHPC binder systems and ceramic aggregates. The average layer thickness can be specified as 15 - 50 mm. As UHPC TopLayer is designed to withstand the highest loads, it is almost impossible to grind the surface. UHPC TopLayer can be processed in the same way as hard concrete.
The characteristics of hard concrete are
- Extremely resilient
- Very high wear resistance
- Water and frost resistant
- Very high corrosion resistance
- Very high compressive and flexural strength
- Extremely temperature resistant
Areas of application
- Warehouses used by heavy vehicles and tracked vehicles
- Roads and storage yards for heavy load storage
- Flooring for ore mines, steelworks, foundries, cold stores, military areas and parking areas for heavy vehicles
WPE DK International
Phone: 0049 176 601 73146
E-mail: ber@wpe-dk.dk
Homepage: www.wpe-dk.com