Showing posts with label Sand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sand. Show all posts

Sand for civil construction is running out in many places of the world - Solution UHPC Desert Sand Binder + Nature Desert sand

Sand consumption today

In more and more parts of the world, the availability of sand is becoming increasingly difficult or even impossible for the construction industry.
Gigantic sales are now being made with sand.
Millions of tons of sand are transported to the oceans each year, and demand will continue to rise.

  • Over 47 billion tons of sand are mined annually
  • For a standard house you need approx. 200 to of sand
  • For 1 kilometre highway you need approx. 30000 to of sand
  • Global sand business is 70 billion US Dollar/year

Types of sand extraction

  • Sand mines
  • Sand from rivers
  • Beach Sand
  • Sand mining in coastal area



WPE DK is manufacturer of UHPC Desert Sand Binder for more than 10 years. This binder system is mixed only with desert sand and a little water. Now there is the 3rd development stage of UHPC Desert Sand binder. This new generation differs significantly from the 1st generation in strength, workability, sustainability and much lower CO2 footprint. The latest generation can also be produced on site with local raw materials without any problems. 

For us as WPE DK, the sustainable future has begun with desert sand.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146

Comparison Sand for the construction industry - Alternatives to Sand for the construction industry

 The global construction boom is continuing and will not decrease significantly in the future. climate change is forcing new constructions. Old constructions have to be replaced. Most of the world's major sites are on the coasts, and constructive coastal protection will buy these sites some more time, but the major sites will also have to change in terms of construction technology. Concrete as a building material is needed for this transformation.
Sand as part of this needed concrete has become a big problem. The gigantic demand leads to a lucrative trade business worldwide, which permanently destroys the nature of the coasts and rivers.
Several years ago we pointed out that with the UHPC technology it is easily possible to replace a very large proportion with recycled sand. Only these recycling plants for construction waste are rarer to find worldwide than diamonds. And yet, the expansion would be an extremely lucrative business, also for investors.
The fastest way to drastically reduce the current demand for sand is to use desert sand. For several years now, it has been possible to easily produce concrete from desert sand that is much stronger and easier to handle than standard concrete. If one were to calculate the current worldwide sand consumption as a standard, the desert sand of the Sahara would last about 100,000 years.
Even if the entire global construction industry still finds it extremely difficult to use desert sand, which there is actually no reason to do, development will force them to do so. For investors who become active now, this will be a gigantic business in a few years.

WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146