New world of decorative UHPC concrete

With the new UHPC materials of extremely high, consistent quality, architects and designers have created completely new possibilities for elegant, filigree design. In particular, the new extremely temperature-resistant UHPC material qualities can enable new design and construction techniques.


 - with UHPC temperature resistant up to 400°C /
 - with high temperature UHPC temperature
    resistant up to 1000°C / 1832°F
 - extremely wear-resistant
 - thin plate thickness = low weight
 - all geometries possible
 - extremely good corrosion resistance
 - elegant plate design with wood, mineral and
   metal inserts
 - thin plate design with LED light design
 - extraordinary sink design
Design of wall coverings
Exceptional floor designs
Elegant lamp design

Living room
Design of wall coverings
Exceptional floor designs in geometries, surface structures, color scheme and high wear resistance
Elegant lamp design
New design options for open fireplaces
Exceptional table top combinations and geometries

Complete seamless shower and bathtub systems made entirely of UHPC or in combination with other materials
Design of wall coverings
Exceptional floor designs in geometries, surface structures and color design
Elegant lamp design

Other areas
Elegant, thin-walled, self-supporting staircase constructions
Elegant design of thin-walled balcony constructions
Terrace construction of extraordinary geometries
Pool area design
Outdoor and indoor pool design
Floor and walkway panel design in geometries, surface structures, color scheme and high wear resistance

New construction and repair of Jetties with UHPC concrete

For modern jetty constructions, UHPC concrete
offers many advantages compared to standard
concrete, steel or wooden constructions.
- All jetty elements can be prefabricated or cast
   on site in a short time.
- UHPC concrete has no or only extremely low
   pore volume and is thus absolutely seawater
   and corrosion resistant.
- UHPC concrete hardens under water. It can
   therefore be processed in and under water.
- UHPC concrete has a standard strength
   between 120 MPa/17400 psi and
   250 MPa/36250 psi.
- UHPC prefabricated elements can be made
   considerably thinner due to the very high
   strength and the absence of porosity, and
   thus with significantly less weight.

Due to the properties of UHPC concrete listed
above, such constructions do not require further
inspection. It can be assumed that the service
life is almost 100+ years.

Since UHPC concrete has very good wear and
impact resistance, harsh harbor conditions and
extreme environmental conditions such as ice
are no problem.

UHPC concrete can be produced by us as mortar,
casting compound or shotcrete mass. For processing,
a compulsory or pan pot mixer is needed. Our
shotcrete and castable UHPC material can also be
pumped over longer distances.

Repairs of damaged standard concrete, steel or 
wooden constructions
Jetties can be severely damaged by impact, corrosion,
rotting or faulty concrete processing. The repair
with UHPC concrete is simple and requires little
For preparation, remove any loose particles and
buildup such as clams, algae and the like.
A mold should be installed around the columns.
The water does not have to be removed from the mold.
The UHPC concrete is poured directly in the water.
The concrete displaces the seawater from the mold.
The mold can be removed after less than 48 hours.
This type of repair has been used for more than 20
years as a standard repair method on offshore platforms.

A try to replicate clay with UHPC

We had a lot of fun developing our UHPC binder for historical applications. Of course, we do not just sit in the lab and develop recipes, we try the recipes for the lime plaster and of course stucco practically.

Since most of us are not talented, we invited an expert. After about a day our workshop looked like we were renovating it and just like the workshop some of the team members had to undergo general cleaning.

The final goal was to recreate clay with UHPC. Clay is a fantastic natural material. Actually, UHPC does not copy it, but it was a lot of fun for everyone to try.
Here is a general short form of what we have achieved and what not:
  • We have developed a UHPC binder that can be mixed with extremely fine sand to a clay-like consistency
  • We need only a few water for all processing steps
  • We do not need a furnace for strength development
  • We can set the processing time and hardening time during the production of the binder as desired.
  • The UHPC binder must be mixed with water in a compulsory mixer.
  • The UHPC binder can be mixed as casting compound or clay-like solid.
  • The UHPC binder can be made in different colors.

We had the material processed by a potter. His verdict was that if we worked on some set screws in the recipe, we would produce an interesting material. We did not expect a better judgment. Our goal was to get the sound as close as possible in consistency and workmanship. I would say we are not that bad.
WPE DK International

Phone: 0049 176 601 73146