Offshore hydrogen storage system made of UHPC concrete

Standard concrete can suffer various problems due to hydrogen, especially in special applications such as
hydrogen storage or hydrogen pipelines. The main problems are:

1. Micro-cracking due to hydrogen pressure

  • Problem: hydrogen is a small molecule that can enter pores and micro-cracks in concrete. When hydrogen is under high pressure in these pores, it can expand the pores and enlarge cracks.
  • Consequences:
    • weakening of the mechanical strength of the concrete.
    • Progressive damage due to cyclic loading.

Due to its very high density, UHPC has significantly fewer problems with this issue and its consequences.


2. Damage due to hydrogen embrittlement (indirect)

  • Problem: Hydrogen does not chemically attack concrete, but it can embrittle steel reinforcement elements embedded in the concrete. This is referred to as hydrogen embrittlement.
  • Consequences:
    • Reduction in load-bearing capacity due to cracking and failure of the reinforcement steel.
    • Shortening of the service life of the concrete structure.

Due to the very high material density, possible hydrogen embrittlement occurs after aconsiderably longer period of time and to a small extent. 


3. Reaction with free ions and moisture

  • Problem: Hydrogen can react with moisture and chemical compounds in the concrete (e.g. calcium hydroxide), creating by-products such as water or hydroxide ions.
  • Consequences:
    • Alteration of the chemical composition of the concrete, which can lead to a reduction in alkalinity.
    • Accelerated corrosion of the reinforcement due to the loss of the passivation effect.

Occurs to a much lesser extent in UHPC

4. Pore structure and permeability

  • Problem: Hydrogen can easily diffuse through the pore structure of concrete due to its small molecular size, especially in porous or poorly compacted concrete.
  • Consequences:
    • Loss of tightness, which is critical for hydrogen storage tanks or pipes.
    • The ingress of hydrogen causes pressure build-up and damage.

Hydrogen can only penetrate UHPC concrete very slowly and under high pressure because UHPC concrete is an extremely dense material.

5. Increased risk of a hydrogen fire

  • Problem: If hydrogen escapes from the concrete (e.g. through diffusion or crack formation), there is a risk of a hydrogen fire, as hydrogen is highly flammable.
  • Consequences:
    • Safety risk for the surrounding area.
    • Additional thermal stress on the concrete.

Due to its high material density and strength, the risk is only present to a very limited extent
with UHPC concrete.

Ultra-high performance concrete offers many advantages, but requires careful planning and adaptation when exposed to hydrogen, especially in demanding applications such as hydrogen storage or transport lines.

WPE-DK UHPC (Ultra High Performance Concrete) in modern yacht and industrial shipbuilding

Ferrocement is a term for a concrete system from which ship hulls have been built since the First World War. Many sailing ship hulls worldwide were built with ferrocement concrete during and after the Second World War. The assembly was largely carried out by hand on the company's own premises using a trowel. The assembly was very time-consuming. Small and medium-sized shipyards built ferrocement hulls individually. When people in the navy talk about concrete boats today, they always think of this outdated ferrocement material and the time-consuming assembly.

WPE-DK UHPC concrete is definitely superior to this very old ferrocement technology in all technical and assembly aspects. WPE-DK UHPC concretes have been used for more than 25 years under the toughest wear and corrosion conditions in industries such as offshore, steel industry, chemical industry, coastal protection, harbour constructions etc.. UHPC concretes achieve a compressive strength of well over 200 MPa.
UHPC concrete is watertight from a layer thickness of 15 mm. UHPC concrete is completely resistant to salt water. In combination with a non-metallic reinforcement, one can speak of a generation ship in terms of the expected service life.
Today, WPE-DK concretes are processed as mortar, castable and shotcrete. UHPC concrete can be installed quickly even on large areas and complex geometries.
Industrial mass production of UHPC hulls is possible without any problems.
In recent years, UHPC lightweight concretes have also been developed that can be used for lightweight and insulating boat constructions.

New construction and repair of Jetties with HPC and UHPC concrete

For modern jetty constructions, HPC / UHPC concrete offers many advantages compared to standard concrete, steel or wooden constructions.

All jetty elements can be prefabricated, cast or spray on site in a short time.
HPC / UHPC concrete has no or only extremely low pore volume and is thus absolutely seawater and corrosion resistant.
HPC / UHPC concrete hardens under water. It can therefore be processed in and under water.
HPC concrete has a standard strength between 80 MPa/11600 psi and 140 MPa/20300 psi.

UHPC concrete has a standard strength between 140 MPa/20300 psi and 240 MPa/34800 psi
HPC / UHPC prefabricated elements can be made considerably thinner due to the very high strength and the absence of porosity, and thus with significantly less weight.
Since HPC / UHPC concrete has very good wear and impact resistance, harsh harbor conditions and extreme environmental conditions such as ice are no problem.

Due to the properties of HPC / UHPC concrete listed above, such constructions do not require further inspection. It can be assumed that the service life is almost 100+ years.


HPC / UHPC concrete can be produced by us as mortar, casting compound or shotcrete mass. For processing, a compulsory or pan pot mixer is needed. Our shotcrete and castable HPC / UHPC material can also be pumped over longer distances. Repairs of damaged standard concrete, steel or wooden constructions Jetties can be severely damaged by impact, corrosion, rotting or faulty concrete processing. The repair with HPC / UHPC concrete is simple and requires little effort.

All structural elements above water can be easily protected against further rusting with HPC/UHPC shotcrete. Intensive cleaning of the reinforcement and subsequent protective coating is not necessary. With a layer thickness of just 15 mm / 1/2 inch of HPC/UHPC concrete, oxygen can no longer penetrate to the steel and where there is no oxygen, there is no corrosion.

For preparation, remove any loose particles and buildup such as clams, algae and the like.
A mold should be installed around the columns. The water does not have to be removed from the mold. The UHPC concrete is poured directly in the water. The concrete displaces the seawater from the mold. The mold can be removed after less than 48 hours. This type of repair has been used for more than 25 years as a standard repair method on offshore platforms.

Pavimentazioni in UHPC nei parcheggi multipiano impermeabili e resistenti

Nei parcheggi multipiano è necessario prestare particolare attenzione a quanto segue
a quanto segue

    Traffico veicolare costante
    Attacco chimico da parte di olio, benzina e sale
    Formazione di solchi a causa del continuo
    continui percorsi di guida
    Usura dovuta al traffico circostante
    Pneumatici chiodati
    Ripetuti cicli di gelo e disgelo

I pavimenti dei parcheggi multipiano devono quindi essere in grado di resistere a queste
queste sollecitazioni. Altrettanto importante è che siano impenetrabili, impedendo la penetrazione di fluidi o sale.

Nella progettazione di un parcheggio multipiano, è preferibile utilizzare un materiale leggero ma resistente, per ottenere una costruzione più economica possibile.

Durante la costruzione, sono importanti anche la velocità di installazione e la tempestività dei traffici.

Le parole chiave per i progetti di parcheggi multipiano sono resistenza, impermeabilità e leggerezza.

UHPC TopLayer R (con armatura)
UHPC TopLayer R è consigliato per superfici particolarmente scadenti o per pavimenti soggetti a carichi di traffico elevati.
UHPC TopLayer R è una combinazione di uno speciale calcestruzzo UHPC fibrorinforzato e di tappeti di rinforzo.

UHPC Phalt
UHPC Phalt è una pavimentazione semi-flessibile composta da una struttura portante in asfalto e dal legante UHPC Phalt come riempitivo. Combina la flessibilità dell'asfalto con la resistenza e la resilienza del calcestruzzo UHPC.

Vantaggi di UHPC TopLayer e UHPC Phalt

    Capacità portante molto elevata
    Resistenza ai carichi puntuali
    Elevata resistenza all'usura.
    Richieste minime di giunti
    Ottima resistenza chimica
    Resistenza allo scivolamento
    Livellato e liscio
    Installazione rapida

Per ulteriori informazioni e domande puoi rivolgerti al nostro partner in Italia

Barra Project International Srl 

Tel:   + 39 035 270820 | Fax:  + 39 035 270830

Sede: Via Lombardia, 43 - 24027 – Nembro (BG) - Italia

한국 UHPC 포스코 BF 탑 가스 클리닝 시스템의 마모 방지 라이닝

 BF 상부 가스 세정

현대자동차 고로용 폴 뷔르트 가스 세정 시스템은 폴 뷔르트가 공급한 여러 가스 세정 시스템 중 하나였습니다.
클리닝 시스템 중 하나로, UHPC 마모 보호 기능을 통해 마모 방지를 완성했습니다. 설치는 현지 설치 업체에서 수행했습니다.

앵커는 철강 건설 회사에서 직접 설치했습니다. 그런 다음 설치된 상태로 제철소 현장에서 UHPC 마모 보호 라이닝을 라이닝했습니다. 총 라이닝 면적은 약 1000평방미터였습니다. 라이닝 두께는 플랜트 건설업체가 사이클론의 면적에 따라 25mm에서 40mm까지 지정했습니다.


고객은 마모 방지 재료로 UHPC Mortar 2000 HT를 지정했습니다. UHPC Mortar 2000 HT는 최대 1200°C의 연속 온도에서도 내마모성이 매우 뛰어납니다. 사이클론의 정상 평균 작동 온도는 400~500°C입니다. 하지만,
용광로에서 최대 1000°C의 고온 가스가 제어되지 않은 상태로 사이클론에 유입될 수 있습니다.


계획된 서비스 수명은 최소 10년입니다. 이 10년 동안 용광로는 멈추지 않으므로 사이클론 수리는 매우 어려운 조건에서만 가능합니다.

자세한 내용은 파트너에게 문의하세요.
Philip Kim / 김 종 대
General Manager/대표이사
WPE Materials Korea Co.,Ltd
Tel : +82.(0)51.717.3355
Fax : +82.(0)303.0944.3353
Mobile : +82.10.4559.1594
Skype : philipkim0911

UHPC Phalt Halbstarrer Deckschichtbelag für Kreisverkehre

Wir haben in diesem Jahr bis dato UHPC Phalt halbstarre Deckschichtbeläge für drei Kreisverkehre produziert und geliefern. Je Kreisverkehr wurden zwischen 600 und 1000 m² halbstarre Deckschicht installiert.

UHPC Phalt ist eine Kombination aus einer Asphaltschicht in deren Struktur (Matrix) die Hohlräume mit UHPC Phalt Mörtel vergossen wird. UHPC Phalt Mörtel erreichen extreme Festigkeitswerte, die weit über denen von Standardbeton liegen.

UHPC Phalt kann auf fast allen neuen oder vorhandenen Untergründen verlegt werden.

Auszug aus dem Leistungsverzeichnis:

Halbstarre Deckschicht aus einem hohlraumreichen Traggerüst aus Asphaltmischgut 0/11 oder 0/16 und einem

Hochleistungsverfüllmörtel in zwei Arbeitsgängen nach Unterlagen des Auftraggebers herstellen. Fugen der Unterlage übernehmen.

Asphalttraggerüst ohne Verwendung von Asphaltgranulat. Hohlraumgehalt des Asphalttraggerüstes mindestens 25 Vol.-v.H. Grobe Gesteinskörnung Kategorie SZ18.

Kornform Kategorie SI15. Hohlräume des Asphalttraggerüstes mit Hochleistungsverfüllmörtel mit Größtkorn von höchstens 0,25 mm.

Volumenänderung im Festmörtel höchstens 1,0 Vol.-v.H.

Biegezugfestigkeit nach 3 Tagen mindestens 10 MPa.

Biegezugfestigkeit nach 28 Tagen mindestens 12 MPa.

Druckfestigkeit nach 3 Tagen mindestens 65 MPa.

Druckfestigkeit nach 28 Tagen mindestens 100 MPa.

Die gute Nachricht für unsere Kunden ist, das wir die Materialpreise von unseren UHPC Phalt Produkten aus diesem Jahr auch für das kommende Jahr 2024 problemlos halten können.

Herstellung von UHPC Combat Binder und Beton unter Kriegsbedingungen

Seit mehr als zwei Jahren steigt die Nachfrage nach HPC und UHPC Binder für militärische Anwendungen für uns extrem an. Wie schon berichtet haben wir einige hundert Tonnen spezial HPC und UHPC Binder für Testzwecke produziert und ausgeliefert. Für diese Testzwecke wurden Spezialmischungen gemäß den Kundenanforderungen entwickelt und produziert. Die Materialvortests wurden hier in Deutschland ausgeführt. Die militärischen Belastungstest werden in dem jeweiligen Kundenland durchgeführt.

Ein sogenannten Spezial UHPC Combat Beton in Friedenszeiten unter kontrollierten Bedingungen herzustellen ist eine Sache, solche Betone unter Kriegsbedigungen herzustellen ist eine andere.

Aus diesem Grund haben wir parallel zu der Binderentwicklung auch eine Produktions- und Mischersystementwicklung begonnen.
Die technischen Anforderungen an solchen System sind sehr lang und sehr aufwendig.

Hier nur ein kleiner Auszug aus einer Forderungsliste.

Forderung Anlage
- Die Anlage muß einfach transportabel sein
- Die Anlage muß robust sein
- Die Anlage muß über ein unabhängiges Energiesystem verfügen
- Die Anlage muß einfach zu bedienen sein
- Die Anlage muß unter extremer Kälte, Hitze und Feuchtigkeit arbeiten können
- Die Anlage sollte in kombinierbare Module unterteilt sein
- Die Anlage sollte Binder und Beton herstellen können

- Die Anlage sollte über alle notwendigen Verarbeitungsmaschinen verfügen

Forderung Binder

- Der Binder soll bestimmte technische Mindestwerte erfüllen können
- Der Binder soll möglichst  vollständig mit lokalen Rohstoffen hergestellt werden
- Der Beton sollte mit lokalen Aggregaten hergestellt werden
- Es sollen Binderversionen als Mörtel, castable, pumpbar und spritzbar herstellbar sein
- Es sollen keine zusätzlichen Additive notwendig sein
- Es sollte mit extrem wenig Anmachwasser gearbeitet werden

- Es soll der Beton auch unter extremen Umweltbedigungen verarbeitbar sein
- Es sollte der Beton unter Wasser verarbeitbar sein
- Es sollten die unterschiedlichsten Aggregate von zerstörten Gebäuden, Sande, Erden, Kunststoffe,     Metalle usw. einsetzbar sein. Der Aufarbeitungsgrad sollte möglichst gering sein.

Die HPC und UHPC Binderproduktion- und Betonmischanlage wird uns bald als Basis Prototypeanlage zu Testzwecken zur Verfügung stehen. Einzelteile werden schon seit mehrere Jahrzehnten von uns eingesetzt. Später werden dann noch mehrere Ausbaustufen unseren Kunden zur Verfügung stehen.

UHPC concrete is flexible

WPE-DK was asked to develop a special UHPC material technology for a large construction project in Asia for a Northern European architectural office.

The conditions were:
The element should not be thicker than 15 mm.
As the façade elements were to be used in the harbour area, no metallic reinforcement or metallic fibre admixture was desired.
The façade surface had to be very smooth and resistant to changing environmental influences
The colour structure of the façade element should be similar to marble.
The UHPC material should have a minimum compressive strength of 60 MPa
The elements should have a maximum length of 3000 millimetres.
Flexibility of the elements would be desirable

With the UHPC binder we developed for this purpose, we were able to fulfil all the required points. Finally, we carried out a flexibility test with a sample element in our workshop.

You can see the result in this video.

UHPC TopLayer flooring for pig farms

In pig farming, there are always problems with the concrete floors. The standard concrete that is often
used here is very easily attacked by pig excrement and pig urine. The concrete surface becomes rough, the pigs can injure themselves and cleaning the floors is very time-consuming.

UHPC TopLayer concrete, whether laid seamlessly on site or as prefabricated concrete slabs, is resistant to pig excrement and pig urine. The concrete surface is not rough and can be cleaned very easily with high-pressure water jetting equipment.

UHPC TopLayer can be laid in a layer thickness of 25 to 40 mm. Casting and pumping is possible. Standard concrete mixers can be used for installation. Local construction companies or ready-mixed concrete plants can easily process UHPC TopLayer concrete. Within a few days, the floor can be used again.

UHPC Combat Betone für Bunker und Sicherheitsräume

Vor über 25 Jahren haben wir uns sehr viel mit der Sicherheitsindustrie und dem Militär beschäftigt.
Vieles erfolgreich versucht und einige interessante Projekte in der NATO durchgeführt. Dann war es für viele Jahre sehr ruhig und wir haben uns erfolgreich auf andere Projekte und Märkte konzentriert.

Seit mehr zwei Jahren werden wir wieder aus "nichtzivilen" Bereichen angefragt. Nun entwickeln wir unsere UHPC Sicherheitsbetone weiter in allen Bereichen, besonders für den Sicherungs- oder Bunkerbau, sowohl überirdisch, unter Wasser als auch unterirdisch. 

Bei der UHPC Materialentwicklung müssen wir die modernen Waffensysteme berücksichtigen. Es wurden einige hundert Tonnen von speziellen UHPC Binder von uns jetzt zum Testen und den schlimmsten Bedingungen versand.

Auch gibt es wieder Interesse an UHPC Material für zivile Schutzräume unterschiedlicher Belastungsart.

Besonders für das Verstärken von Standardbetonkonstruktionen eignen sich unsere UHPC Sicherheitsbeton sehr gut. Zur Zeit gehen wir mit den Festigkeitswerten für unsere Sicherheits-betonsystem am obersten Rand des möglichen.

Wir hoffen das die zuständige Zivilschutzbehörde schnellstmöglich ihre neuen Pläne vorstellen wird. Hier werden wir auf jedenfall neue Vorschriften und Materialtests erfüllen müssen.


UHPC HT and Refractory - The difference

UHPC HT Products
UHPC, Ultra High Performance Concrete, is a combination of a cement, micro particles and wear resistant (very hard) particles. Due to the 
micro particles it is possible to create a perfect physical packing ensuring improved chemical reactions. These chemical reactions secures the formation of minerals with superior properties at room temperature. Hence around 60% of the full strength will be obtained after 48 hours. Final strength of a UHPC is 100-250 MPa / 14500-36250 psi.
Water added to UHPC to secure a proper 
rheology is limited, and shortly after setting there will be no more free water in the system, as all water will be bond in the structure of the chemical reactions.
When heating UHPC HT the risk of cracking due to evaporation of water is limited. However too fast heating of a virgin installation could lead to this. Hence it is recommended to firstly heat up the installation at a rate of 50°C/hr. The heating does not contribute to the strength of the system however it will increase the rate of strength building.


Unshaped refractories typically contains an alumina cement as the bonding material and other metallic minerals depending on the 
temperature and environment it is installed. Water is mixed in to create the right rheology for installation. As such this product at ambient 
temperature can be viewed as an ordinary mortar. As such the product is relative porous and strength at ambient temperature is not likely 
to exceed 45 MPa. This system will also reach around 60% of final strength after 48 hours of hydration.
This system will contain free water after installation, hence there is a risk of cracking when heated. Hence it is necessary to heat it at specific heating rate in order to avoid such cracks. In order for refractories to work they need to be heated so that the metallic minerals is calcinated 
and sintered into the wanted minerals with the needed properties.

The strength and density of UHPC HT is a lot higher than that of refractories. Hence these products will be better at withstanding inner pressure from internal water evaporation, reducing the risk of cracks and ultimate process destruction of the product.

UHPC HT does not need heat to form the minerals needed in the mix in order to obtain the properties. 
Heat will however increase the rate of property formation.

Béton de combat en UHPC pour les installations militaires et anti-terroristes

Les dispositifs de protection, qu'il s'agisse d'objets civils ou militaires, contre les bombardements, les
attaques terroristes ou militaires sont toujours d'actualité.

Nous distinguons les protections fixes telles que les aérodromes, les messages, les centres de données, les quartiers généraux, les centres d'approvisionnement, etc., et les systèmes mobiles pour la protection des personnes, des équipements militaires, par exemple les propriétés, les postes d'observation, etc. en usage international.

Grâce à leurs propriétés uniques, les bétons à ultra-hautes performances (UHPC) peuvent assumer une grande partie de ces tâches. Le béton de combat UHPC peut être combiné avec pratiquement tous les matériaux. À partir de ces combinaisons, nous pouvons créer des propriétés uniques sur le plan technique.


Résistance à la compression extrêmement élevée 200 - 300 MPa
En combinaison avec un renforcement intelligent, la résistance peut être multipliée.
Les constructions en béton de combat en UHPC sont capables d'absorber de lourdes explosions.
Les structures en béton de combat UHPC, avec la même épaisseur de mur que le béton standard, peuvent offrir 4 fois plus de sécurité.
Le béton de combat en UHPC a une résistance initiale extrêmement élevée par rapport au béton standard.
Le béton de combat en UHPC résiste à des températures élevées, jusqu'à 1200°C.
Résistance absolue à l'eau de mer
Constructions préfabriquées avec une très grande précision dimensionnelle
Amélioration significative de la résistance à la pénétration d'éclats à grande vitesse.
Protection élevée contre l'usure et la corrosion
Les systèmes de protection en UHPC sont utilisés comme
Protection des armes à feu
Armes à feu de différents calibres*.
Pistolets de différents calibres*.
   *Munitions : balles à enveloppe métallique pleine, balles creuses, balles à expansion, balles à haute  vélocité.

Construction de murs anti-éclats
Protection contre les voitures piégées à courte distance, les grenades à main, les explosions de petite et moyenne envergure.

Systèmes de sol
Systèmes de sols et de chaussées en UHPC présentant une résistance extrême à l'usure mécanique des véhicules lourds à chaîne en mouvement.

Système de bunker et d'abri militaire
Le UHPC spécial, combiné à des agrégats et des armatures spéciaux, offre une résistance extrême aux chocs contre toute attaque de bombe.

Domaines d'utilisation
Abri pour avion
Bunker de munitions
Pistes d'atterrissage
Réparation du terrain d'aviation
Abri anti-souffle
Protection des bâtiments du terrain d'aviation
Installation spéciale de terrain d'aviation pour les jets à décollage vertical

Protection des installations portuaires
Bunker de munitions
Bunker pour sous-marins
Cale sèche

Abri anti-souffle
Réparation de champs d'aviation
Installation spéciale de champs d'aviation pour les porte-avions

Planchers pour poids lourds extrêmes
Aires de stationnement
Plancher d'atelier
Revêtement de route
Bunker de munitions
Abri anti-souffle

UHPC Compressive strength over 300 MPa / 43500 psi

"I need a UHPC building product with a minimum compressive strength of 310 MPa / 44960 psi, it should be easy, mouldable and flexible to process without special machinery". 

That was the requirement of a very special customer. We had already received and developed a similar requirement over 20 years ago. Special requirements are placed on us every day, but such extreme requirements and a corresponding demand of several hundred tonnes were already exceptional.


Here is a comparison with other standard building products:

Low Carbon Steel (e.g., A36): Low carbon steels, such as ASTM A36, typically have a compressive strength in the range of 250 MPa to 400 MPa. These steels are commonly used in construction and structural applications.

Austenitic Stainless Steel (e.g., 304, 316): These alloys are generally not very strong in terms of compressive strength and typically have compressive strengths in the range of about 200 MPa to 500 MPa.

Fiber-Reinforced Composites Composites reinforced with fibers such as carbon fibers, glass fibers, or aramid fibers can have very high compressive strengths. The compressive strength of these composites can range from 100 MPa to over 1,000 MPa, depending on the type and orientation of the fibers, the resin matrix, and the manufacturing process.

Particulate-Reinforced Composites Composites that use particles or powders as reinforcements, such as metal matrix composites (MMCs) or ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), can have compressive strengths ranging from 100 MPa to 600 MPa or more, depending on the type and volume fraction of the particles and the matrix material.

Natural Fiber Composites Composites made from natural fibers like hemp or flax combined with a resin matrix typically have lower compressive strengths, usually in the range of 20 MPa to 200 MPa.

Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) Typically, ordinary or normal strength concrete used in most construction applications has a compressive strength in the range of 20 MPa (about 2,900 psi) to 40 MPa (about 5,800 psi). This is suitable for most residential and commercial structures.

WPE-DK UHPC Dia 300 is a fibre reinforced castable UHPC concrete with a compressive strength of more than 300 MPa (about 43,500 psi) after 28 days. It is mixed in a pan mixer.